
A place for the Jupyter community to connect on ideas


💡 jupyter/ideas 💡

Do you have an idea for a new Jupyter project? Are you looking to connect with other community members who might have a similar interest and want to collaborate? Do you have time to share your thoughts but not necessarily bring them to fruition at the moment? Would you like to offer fodder for people to work on during a community sprint?

Follow the steps below to share or update an idea here!


  1. Click the file in this repository.
  2. Click the pencil icon in the top right of the file view.
  3. Scroll to The Idea List.
  4. To post a new idea, add a bullet (*) followed by one to two brief sentences describing the idea and (optionally) your contact information (e.g., if you're planning to work on the idea and would like people with the same interest to reach out).
  5. To show that an idea is being worked on somewhere, add a link to the existing idea bullet.
  6. To remove ideas no longer worth listing, delete the bullet.
  7. Click the Preview tab to double-check your formatting.
  8. Under Propose file change, add a brief summary of what you did to the list (e.g., Removed antiquated jupyter stone tablet notebook idea).
  9. Click the Propose file change button.
  10. As long as your change is on-topic and follows the Jupyter Code of Conduct, someone will merge your change.


By posting your idea here, you agree to waive all copyright and related or neighboring rights to the extent possible under law.


The Idea List

  • Build an Apache Hive browser panel extension for JupyterLab that lets users drill-down to see see available databases, tables, and columns. Maybe make it generic to support any relational datastore, not just Hive. (@parente)
  • Create a linter for notebook files. Accordingly, define a PEP-8 equivalent for notebooks. (@betatim)
  • Create a binder-bot that identifies popular notebook repositories on GitHub that are not Binder enabled, divines their requirements, and submits best-effort pull requests to Binder enable them. Needs careful design to balance convenience and annoyance. (@parente)
  • Idea to enhance nbviewer with js/css plugins to make nbviewer+ipynb more secure (as GitHub), dynamic and mobile friendly (nbviewer/issues/778).