
top 1% based on RNN&CNN&bert




Steps to reproduce (RNN + CNN + bert)

  • Download the dataset from Kaggle and put it in data/
  • Tensorflow 1.13.2, Keras 2.2.4
  • run toxic-data-preprocessing.py (data preprocessing)
  • run version5_*.ipynb (MultiBiGRU models)
  • run version6_*.ipynb (CNN models)
  • run model_blending.ipynb (model blending)
  • run version7_bert.py (bert models)
  • run model_blending_2.ipynb (model blending)
  • public leaderboard 0.98770 (29/4544), private leaderboard 0.98747 (15/4544)

Steps to reproduce (RNN + CNN)

  • Download the dataset from Kaggle and put it in data/
  • Tensorflow 1.13.2, Keras 2.2.4
  • run toxic-data-preprocessing.py (data preprocessing)
  • run version5_*.ipynb (MultiBiGRU models)
  • run version6_*.ipynb (CNN models)
  • run model_blending.ipynb (model blending)
  • public leaderboard 0.98709 (325/4544), private leaderboard 0.98677 (174/4544)


method cv score public leaderboard private leaderboard
TFIDF+LR 0.97820 0.97409 0.97423
method cv score public leaderboard private leaderboard
Word2Vec+google 0.96361 0.95277 0.95227
Word2Vec+glove 0.96747 0.95629 0.95782
Word2Vec+fasttext 0.96907 0.95780 0.95839
method validation set public leaderboard private leaderboard
GRU 0.98412 0.97692 0.97691
GRU+google 0.98588 0.97638 0.97743
GRU+glove 0.99002 0.98271 0.98210
GRU+fasttext 0.99000 0.98352 0.98287
LSTM 0.97919 0.96848 0.97106
LSTM+google 0.98475 0.97530 0.97585
LSTM+glove 0.98884 0.98191 0.98157
LSTM+fasttext 0.98908 0.98222 0.98128
    (* means repeat the program 5 times and take the average)
method validation set public leaderboard private leaderboard
BiGRU&BiLSTM+glove+preprocess(*) 0.98597 0.98536
BiGRU&BiLSTM+fasttext+preprocess(*) 0.98600 0.98536
  • MultiBiGRU
method validation set public leaderboard private leaderboard
MultiBiGRU+glove+preprocess+KFold 0.98604 0.98553
MultiBiGRU+fasttext+preprocess+KFold 0.98634 0.98597
MultiBiGRU+char+preprocess+KFold 0.98171 0.98119
  • CNN
method validation set public leaderboard private leaderboard
CNN+glove+preprocess+KFold 0.98550 0.98449
CNN+fasttext+preprocess+KFold 0.98569 0.98517
CNN+char+preprocess+KFold 0.97419 0.97256
  • Combine different models
models public leaderboard private leaderboard
MultiBiGRU+CNN 0.98652 0.98606
MultiBiGRU+MultiBiGRU(char)+CNN 0.98687 0.98655
MultiBiGRU+MultiBiGRU(char)+CNN (weighted ensemble) 0.98709 0.98677

Solution based on bert

method validation set public leaderboard private leaderboard
bert-based-uncased+preprocess 0.98653 0.98660
  • Combine bert (sub2) with the best solution above (sub1)
models public leaderboard private leaderboard
0.5 * sub1 + 0.5 * sub2 0.98686 0.98690
0.9 * sub1 + 0.1 * sub2 0.98770 0.98747
