
Paper: Lexicon Learning for Few-Shot Neural Sequence Modeling

MIT License


Lexicon Learning for Few-Shot Neural Sequence Modeling

Paper: Lexicon Learning for Few-Shot Neural Sequence Modeling Ekin Akyรผrek, Jacob Andreas ACL 2021


  • OS: Linux or macOS
  • Language: Python
  • Hardware: NVIDIA GPU (CUDA and cuDNN)
  • Libraries: PyTorch, numpy, nltk
  • Optional:
    • Jupyter Notebook (Used for analysis of results.)


You can use provided environment.yml to setup the required libraries using conda software.


Exact versions of the important libraries I used for this project.

  1. python=3.7.3
  2. pytorch=1.2.0 (cuda10.0.130_cudnn7.6.2_0)
  3. numpy=1.19.1
  4. nltk==3.5

Note that since this codebase is for reproducibility purposes you might require specific versions of the dependencies as described above. However, it should work with higher versions as well.


You can setup this repo by typing below in shell:

git clone --recurse-submodules git://github.com/ekinakyurek/lexical.git
cd lexical
conda env create --file environment.yml # creates conda env with required packages


COGS and SCAN datasets are provided as a submodule. TRANSLATE and COLOR datasets are provided as a subfolder.

๐Ÿ“‹ See individual license files for each dataset under their folders.


To verify the results presented in the paper, you may run the scripts to train models and see the evaluations.

Lexicon Learning (optional):

We provide the required lexicon files in the repo. For those who are interested in this part:

You need formatted training files with following structure (ref)

Each line is a source language sentence and its target language translation, separated by a triple pipe symbol with leading and trailing white space (|||).

Then you can extract all the lexicons by running the script:

sh extract_alignments.sh

Seq2Seq Training:

All experiment scripts are found at exps/

For example,

  • To run the simple model on COGS dataset you can use:
cd exp/COGS
sh simple.sh $i #  $i is the seed of the experiments. You can use  `sbatch simple.sh` for running all exps parallel on slurm
  • To run the IBM2 model on COGS dataset you can use:
cd exp/COGS
sh fast.sh $i

The logs can be found in the created subfolders.

๐Ÿ“‹ Note that the experiments are tested on NVIDIA 32GB V100 Volta GPUs. For some models GPU requirements might be high.

๐Ÿ“‹ jump(SCAN) and Color experiments are very sensitive to seeds, so any change in the code might change the results sligthly.


After running an experiment, evaluation results can be found under subfolders, we provide convenience scripts in each exp folder which collates the results in shell:

sh collect.sh   # (WIP: some of them needs to updated slightly)

After running all experiments, one can refer to analyze.ipynb Jupyter Notebook to obtain the figures and tables provided in the paper.

Trouble Shooting