
Demonstrates mlflow functionality. Docker containers provide the run-time environment for mlflow.

MIT License


mlflow Demonstration

IMPORTANT: The master branch represents work-in-progress. Stable functionality are designated by tags, e.g., v0.1.0, v0.2.0, etc, identified in Releases section.

This repo demonstrates the use of the open source project mlflow, which is used to record and manage results of machine learning experiments. Docker containers provide the run-time environment for this demonstration.

Code used in this demonstration is based on these mflow examples: examples/sklearn_elasticnet_wine and examples/r_wine

Demonstration Environment

System Requirements

Work performed with Docker for Mac Version (31259)

Environment Setup

Setup described in this section does not consider security requirements and is suitable only for demonstration purposes with non-sensitive data. Changes are required for any production deployment.

Set up local storage

  • Clone repo to local computer. Note directory for the local repo, e.g., /home/userid/mlflow_demo
  • Create directory to hold mlflow server tracking data and artifacts, e.g., /home/userid/mlflow_server. Within this
    directory create these subdirectories

Setup required environment variables

  • Change working directory to run_demo
  • Update contents of ./setup_environment_variables to specify values for the required environment variables.

Specify version of mlflow package. See example below.

# Set up environment variables to control building and
# running demonstration mlflow Docker containers

# mlflow version to install
export MLFLOW_VERSION=0.9.0

# directory containing demonstration source code
export MLFLOW_DEMO_DIRECTORY=/path/to/directory/for/local/repo

# directory to hold mlflow tracking and artifacts
export MLFLOW_TRACKING_DIRECTORY=/path/to/directory/for/tracking-artifacts

# mflow tracking server URL: file_tracker or db_tracker
# use MLFLOW_TRACKER_URL=http://file_tracker:5000 for file-based tracker server
# use MLFLOW_TRACKER_URL=http://db_tracker:5001 for Postgres SQL database tracker server
export MLFLOW_TRACKER_URL=http://db_tracker:5001

# MLFLOW_VERSION_TO_INSTALL="mlflow"    Current version in PyPi
# MLFLOW_VERSION_TO_INSTALL="mlflow==${MLFLOW_VERSION}"   Specific version from PyPi
# MLFLOW_VERSION_TO_INSTALL="git+[email protected]#egg=mlflow"  specific version from github
# uncomment following to install mlflow from pypi

# uncomment following to install mlflow from github
export MLFLOW_VERSION_TO_INSTALL="git+${MLFLOW_VERSION}#egg=mlflow"  specific version from github

Build the required mlflow Docker images

  • After updating setup_environment_variables, execute following command to set environment variables: . ./setup_environment_variables

  • Run the following command to initially build the required Docker images.

bash ./build_images

Note: On a MacbookPro with 16GB RAM, it takes 10 to 13 minutes for the initial build of the images.

Postgres SQL database tracker components

Database Docker components:

Postgres SQL Image

Web-based Postgres Administration Tool

Perform only one of the following two tasks.

  • To disable the database tracker components, open docker-compose.yml file and find this string # TO DISABLE DATABASE TRACKER COMPONENTS REMOVE and follow instructions. Skip the next step.

  • To make use of the database tracker components, run the following command to pull PostgresSQL database related images from

bash ./pull_images

Note: This will take about one to two minutes to pull down the PostgresSQL images.

Start demonstration containers

After building the Docker images, navigate to ./run_demo. Ensure the required environment variables are defined by running . ./setup_environment_variables.

  • To start the Docker containers for the demonstration environment:
docker-compose up --detach
  • To stop the Docker containers:
docker-compose down

Connecting to containers

Open a browser and enter the following URL for the respective service.

  • Jupyter Notebook Python Container:
  • RStudio Container:
  • mlflow file-based tracking server:
  • mfllow PostgresSQL-based tracking server:
  • Postgres SQL pgAdmin Server:, login id: [email protected], password pgadmin4

Demonstration Programs

  • mlflow_demo1.ipynb: Jupyter notebook runs a single machine learning experiment.
  • mlflow_demo2.ipynb: Jupyter notebook performs hyper-parameter optimization.
  • mlflow_demo2_r.Rmd: Rmarkdown notebook runs a single machine learning experiment.
  • mlflow_api_demo.ipynb: Jupyter notebook creates pandas dataframe from mlflow experiment results.
  • mlflow_reproducibility.ipynb: Jupyter notebook that creates results from an earlier experiment.

mlflow Demonstration Dashboard

Experiment Summary

Run Summary