
Materials for MNE tutorials at Practical MEEG workshop Paris 2019


Material for Practical MEEG workshop using the MNE Software

More info on the workshop:


- Alexandre Gramfort, Inria, CEA Neurospin
- Denis A. Engemann, Inria, CEA Neurospin

You will need to download data

You will need also to have installed MNE-Python on your machine. See instructions at:


Before you arrive if you do not know any Python I invite you to read these tutorials: intro Python, intro Numpy.

Day 1 (Tuesday December 3, 2019)

  • 08:30 09:00 Registration, with coffee/tea + Welcome & intro

  • 09:00 10:30 Lecture 1: Data organization (Robert) and initial data processing(Alex)

  • 10:30 12:30 Hands-on: From raw to ERPs using MNE

  • 12:30 13:30 Lunch

  • 13:30 15:00 Lecture 2: Time-Frequency analysis (JM)

  • 15:00 17:00 Hands-on 2: Time-Frequency analysis using MNE

  • 17:00 17:30 Wrap-up / Q&A session

Day 2 (Wednesday December 4, 2019)

  • 09:00 10:30 Lecture 3: Forward modeling and anatomical pipeline (Alex & Franois)

  • 10:30 12:30 Hands-on 3: Creating head and forward models using MNE

  • 12:30 13:30 Lunch

  • 13:30 15:00 Lecture 4: Source estimation / Inverse problem

  • 15:00 17:00 Hands-on 4: Dipole fitting, distributed sources and beamformers using MNE

  • 17:00 17:30 Wrap-up / Q&A session

Day 3 (Thursday December 5, 2019)

  • 09:00 10:30 Lecture 5: Group level analysis (Robert)

  • 10:30 12:30 Hands-on 5: Group level analysis using MNE

  • 12:30 13:30 Lunch

  • 13:30 15:00 Lecture 6: Miscellaneous topics

  • 15:00 17:00 Hands-on 2: Playground and final try out

  • 17:00 17:30 Wrap-up / Q&A session

Bring your own data

The last session will be mostly dedicated to adressing participants' requests. We encourage you to prepare some EEG/MEG/ECoG/sEEG data you would be interested in processing with MNE. If you are coming with colleagues, try to organize small groups with similar interests (1-4 people).


The code from this tutorial is heavily inspired from this article:

Mainak Jas, Eric Larson, Denis Engemann, Jaakko Leppakangas, Samu Taulu, Matti Hamalainen,
and Alexandre Gramfort. 2018. A Reproducible MEG/EEG Group Study With the MNE Software: 
Recommendations, Quality Assessments, and Good Practices.
Frontiers in Neuroscience. 12, doi: 10.3389/fnins.2018.00530

The MNE software when used in publications should be acknowledged using citations.

To cite MNE-C or the inverse imaging implementations provided by the MNE software, please use:

A. Gramfort, M. Luessi, E. Larson, D. Engemann, D. Strohmeier, C. Brodbeck, L. Parkkonen,
M. Hmlinen, MNE software for processing MEG and EEG data, NeuroImage, Volume 86,
1 February 2014, Pages 446-460, ISSN 1053-8119, [DOI]

To cite the MNE-Python package, please use:

A. Gramfort, M. Luessi, E. Larson, D. Engemann, D. Strohmeier, C. Brodbeck, R. Goj, M. Jas,
T. Brooks, L. Parkkonen, M. Hmlinen, MEG and EEG data analysis with MNE-Python,
Frontiers in Neuroscience, Volume 7, 2013, ISSN 1662-453X, [DOI]