
building a movie recommendation system using collaborative filtering techniques.

APACHE-2.0 License


Movie Recommendation System using Collaborative Filtering

This repository contains Python code for building a movie recommendation system using collaborative filtering techniques. Below is a breakdown of the files and functionalities included:

  1. Installation
  2. Code Description
  3. Author
  4. License


  1. Clone this repository:

    git clone
    cd Movie-Recommendation-System-Using-Collaborative-Filtering
  2. Install the required libraries using the environment.yml file using conda:

    conda env create -f environment.yml
  3. Download the movieLens datasets (movies.csv, tags.csv, ratings.csv) and update the path to them in the code.

  4. Run the recommendation_system.ipynb notebook to generate movie recommendations.

Code Description

1. Data Loading and Preprocessing

  • Load the datasets (movies.csv, tags.csv, ratings.csv) using pandas.
  • Select relevant columns (tag_df, rating_df, movie_df) for further analysis.
  • Perform exploratory data analysis (EDA) to understand data shapes, missing values, duplicates, and basic statistics.

2. Data Aggregation

  • Merge rating_df and movie_df on movieId to create a combined DataFrame (df).
  • Aggregate ratings to find movies with more than 100 ratings (agg_df).
  • Merge df with agg_df to filter out less popular movies (df_gt100).

3. User-Movie Matrix

  • Create a user-movie matrix (user_movie_matrix) using pivot_table, where rows represent users, columns represent movies, and values represent ratings.

4. Normalization and Similarity Calculation

  • Normalize user_movie_matrix (matrix_norm) by subtracting the mean rating of each user.
  • Calculate cosine similarities (user_similarity and movie_similarity) based on matrix_norm to find similar users and movies.

5. Recommendation Process

  • Select a user (picked_userId) and set up variables (number_of_simlar_users, user_similarity_threshold).
  • Find similar users (similar_users) based on a similarity threshold.
  • Identify movies watched by the selected user (picked_user_watched) and similar users (similar_users_movies).
  • Calculate item scores (item_score) based on weighted sums of ratings from similar users.
  • Sort and print top recommended movies (ranked_item_score) based on their scores.

Results and Outputs

  • The script outputs top recommended movies for a selected user (picked_userId) based on collaborative filtering.
  • Evaluation metrics (e.g., precision, recall) and visualizations (e.g., heatmap of similarity matrices) can be added for performance analysis.

Further Improvements

  • Implement evaluation metrics to quantify the performance of the recommendation system.
  • Optimize code efficiency for larger datasets and real-time recommendations.
  • Incorporate content-based filtering or hybrid approaches for improved recommendation accuracy.


  • Sadegh Khedry


This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License - see the file for details.