
This is the Git repo from the O'Reilly AI Conference, NY for the session "Building Game bots using OpenAI's Gym and Universe".

MIT License



This is the Git repo with the code and slides from the O'Reilly AI Conference NY for the sessions "Building Game bots using OpenAI's gym and Universe".


Getting Started

The following are required for the universe-starter-agent demo.

conda create --name universe-starter-agent python=2.7
source activate universe-starter-agent

brew install tmux htop cmake golang libjpeg-turbo      # On Linux use sudo apt-get install -y tmux htop cmake golang libjpeg-dev

pip install "gym[atari]"
pip install universe
pip install six
pip install tensorflow
conda install -y -c https://conda.binstar.org/menpo opencv3
conda install -y numpy
conda install -y scipy

Other Approaches

Important links.