
An 8 week introductory course to Data Science


Practical Data Science

This course is an introduction to Data Science. It touches basic python programming, fundamental mathematical tools like linear algebra and statistics, scraping and APIs, machine learning, networks, NLP, parallel computing, and data ethics. It is meant for beginners with little or no experience in the field. Participants that complete the course will be able to do their own data science project. The course is taught at DIS Copenhagen.

To get started:

  1. Open a terminal/console on your computer.
  2. Navigate to the directory where you keep the folder for this course
  3. Run git clone

Now you have all the course files on your computer. When I update the course material (and I do every now and then) you can get the newest version of all the files by executing git pull origin master from inside the course folder in your terminal/console.

Check out the Wiki for this course, where all information is posted.


© 2019-2020, Ulf Aslak, DIS. This repository is protected by copyright. If you want to use this course for teaching or commercial purposes, and gain access to the exercise solutions, please contact Ulf Aslak on email.

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