
View a list of JSON-serializable dictionaries or a 2-D array, in HandsOnTable, in Jupyter Notebook.

MIT License



View a list of JSON-serializable dictionaries or a 2-D array, in HandsOnTable, in Jupyter Notebook.

Nested JSON renderer is also supported and is default. Image and markdown renderers are possible, but has to be extended.


pip install pyhandsontable


In Jupyter Notebook,

>>> from pyhandsontable import PagedViewer
>>> viewer = PagedViewer(data=data_matrix, **kwargs)
>>> viewer
'A Handsontable is shown in Jupyter Notebook.'
>>> viewer.view(-1)
'The last page is shown.'
>>> viewer.previous()
'The previous page (i-1) is shown.'
'The next page (i+1) is shown.'

Data matrix can be either a list of lists (2-D array) or a list of dictionaries.

It is also possible to view all entries at once, but it could be bad, if there are too many rows.

>>> from pyhandsontable import view_table
>>> view_table(data_matrix, **kwargs)

Acceptable kwargs

  • height: height of the window (default: 500)
  • width: width of the window (default: 1000)
  • title: title of the HTML file
  • maxColWidth: maximum column width. (Default: 200)
  • renderers: the renderers to use in generating the columns (see below.)
  • autodelete: whether the temporary HTML file should be autodeleted. (Default: True)
  • filename: filename of the temporary HTML file (default: 'temp.handsontable.html')
  • config: add additional config as defined in
    • This will override the default config (per key basis) which are:
    data: data,
    rowHeaders: true,
    colHeaders: true,
    columns: columns,
    manualColumnResize: true,
    manualRowResize: true,
    renderAllRows: true,
    modifyColWidth: (width, col)=>{
        if(width > maxColWidth) return maxColWidth;
    afterRenderer: (td, row, column, prop, value, cellProperties)=>{
        td.innerHTML = '<div class="wrapper"><div class="wrapped">' + td.innerHTML + '</div></div>';

renderers example, if your data is a 2-D array:

    1: 'html',
    2: 'html'

or if your data is list of dict:

    "front": 'html',
    "back": 'html'

Enabling Image, HTML and Markdown renderer

This can be done in Python side, by converting everything to HTML. Just use any markdown for Python library.

from markdown import markdown
import base64
image_html = f'<img src="{image_url}" width=100 />'
image_html2 = f'<img src="data:image/png;base64,{base64.b64encode(image_bytes).decode()}" />'
markdown_html = markdown(markdown_raw)

Any then,

PagedViewer(data=data_matrix, renderers={
    "image_field": "html",
    "html_field": "html",
    "markdown_field": "html"


Related projects

  • htmlviewer - similar in concept to this project, but does not use HandsOnTable.js
  • TinyDB-viewer - uses HandsOnTable.js and also allow editing in Jupyter Notebook.


This software includes handsontable.js, which is MIT-licensed.