
MIT License



Provides code to recreate our results on 2D object detection und keypoint detection using adaptive domain randomization. In particular, we show that training on massively randomized low-fidelity simulation generalizes to real world data.

Two industrial use cases

TLess - TextureLess Objects


Kitchen cabinets


Generating data

Requires blendtorch + Blender 2.9 installed. For occluder objects we use this supershape library, that needs to be accessible from within Blender.

To generate data, run

python <scene>

where <scene> is less or kitchen. This will generate offline data (.btr files) in tmp directory. Example below.


python --help

for more options.

Training and Evaluation

Create a new Conda environment

conda create -n icpr python==3.7 pip
conda activate icpr
pip install -r requirements.txt

Setup BlendTorch:

Detailed instructions can be found at:
under 'Installation' in the readme.

git clone <DST>
pip install -e <DST>/pkg_pytorch

How to run scripts:

Run the main script for training with:
>> python -m py_torch.main --config example_train.txt
Run the main script for mean average precision calculation with:
>> python -m py_torch.main --config example_test.txt
NOTE: Change train_path and inference_path in the example_train.txt
and example_test.txt s.t. it matches your data location!

The example configuration above will replay from existing 
BlendTorch replay file(s) with a '.btr' extension. Thus, run
the script beforehand with:
>> python tless
as stated above.

We train and choose the best performing model only by training
on BlendTorch generated data (~50k images) and evaluate the performance (mAP metric)
with real world data taken by a primesense camera (~1000 images).

During training models are stored in the 'models' folder
as model_last.pth or model_best.pth!

Train and evaluate multiple times with the '' script. It will use the
settings from example_train.txt and example_test.txt for training and evaluation

Get detailed mAP summary report over single or multiple trainings runs (
by running the '' file:
>> python -m py_torch.coco_report './evaluation'
where './evaluation' is the path to gt.json and pred.json (or multiple pred_*.json) file.

Track/Visualize training progress with tensorboard:

tensorboard --logdir runs --bind_all

Augmented BlendTorch image with ground truth and prediction annotations:

Precision/Recall curves over single classes:

CenterNet's dense prediction output heatmaps (prediction, ground truth):