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Introduction to Julia tutorial at SciPy 2014

This tutorial was created by David P. Sanders, who gave it at the conference SciPy 2014. Video recordings are available: part 1 and part 2.

The tutorial consists of a sequence of IJulia notebooks, i.e., IPython [now Jupyter] notebooks, using the IJulia profile. To follow the tutorial you need to have installed the [IPython Notebook](Install IPython and the [Julia language](Install, together with several [Julia packages](Install Julia It is best to install them in that order.

The version given at the Scipy 2014 conference (as recorded on the corresponding SciPy YouTube video) is v1.0; this can be obtained with git checkout v1.0. It has since been reformatted for ease of use.

Note that some parts of this tutorial are out of date. See my Invitation to Julia and Intermediate Julia tutorials.

Corrections should be sent as Pull Requests to this repository.

Getting started

Invoke IJulia using the following command from a terminal; a window will open in your web browser:

ipython notebook --profile julia

Then start the tutorial in IPython Notebook from the index.

If you do not have IPython Notebook at hand you can view the tutorial online on NbViewer.

Note that Julia can instead be started from the command line by typing julia or by double clicking on its icon. quit() or Ctrl-D ends the Julia session.

Financial support is acknowledged from UNAM grants DGAPA-PAPIME PE-105911 and PE -107114 and DGAPA-PAPIIT IN-117214, as well as the SciPy 2014 conference.

Thanks to Robert Nuske for help with installation instructions and this README.