
Generates subtle asian dating posts using Markov Chains

OTHER License



Objective: scrape subtle asian dating and make a bot that can generate posts. ✊ 🍆 💦

I'm basing this off of a model originally developed by Aiko AI for their email client.

ArE yOu aN ABg lOOkiNg fOr a 7'2" BoBA raVe bOdYbUilDeR tHaT dOEs iNVesTmENt bAnKIng dURInG tHE daY?????

WaNt tO make aN enGagiNg pOsT????

LOOK NO FURTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • the above text generated using:
from random import randint as r
print(''.join([(letter if r(1,5)>2 else letter.upper()) for letter in list(input('> '))]))


  • potato computer
  • browser that can run javascript (netscape support coming in v2)
  • Python 3 (instructions for Python 2)
  • Keras, numPy, TQDM, markovify (use Anaconda Python, and pip install tqdm markovify for the others)
  • Jupyter (cums with Anaconda Python)
  • decent boba tea
  • for the website/server you'll also need Sanic and Sanic CORS (pip install sanic sanic-cors)

Scraping the data

Go to FB, subtle asian dating group; open dev console (right click, inspect element, click the console tab).

There's some BS warning from FB, it's not energy so we basically ignore it. Type console.clear() to make it go away (you have to press Enter after commands 👏)

Next scroll way down. We only want 6'+ so scroll at least 6' down.

Put in the commands in scrape.js, it takes a bit to load (it's going to click all the "See More" tags, then scrape everything into posts, then download it all as a JSON file, because as described JSON is universal ABG format, if you don't believe me check Wikipedia).

Take your JSON file and put it in this folder. I have a scrape in the git history but twas deleted from master because of legal reasons.

Running the Web Server

It's a PITA to run on Heroku but Sanic is great for quickly developing this sort of thing so you'll need to grab Sanic and Sanic CORS pip install sanic sanic-cors and you'll be set. Just python and your app is live at http://localhost:6969/index.html!

Markov Chain

We use markovify for the Markov Chain. Whip up your Jupyter Notebook using jupyter notebook and open up SAD Markov.ipynb. Run all the cells. This part might take a couple minutes if you're using a potato, so this is where the boba comes in handy.

You can now make sentences using:


Sample Results:

Character Level RNN

This takes a long time to train (like multiple raves and EDM concerts long) so you're going to need a lot more Boba.

Spin up Jupyter Notebook using jupyter notebook and open up SAD NN.ipynb. Run all the cells. It will train the character level RNN.

Why didn't I use an LSTM-LM and word embeddings? This is because studies have found that pandas actually suffer greatly from word embeddings. As a result I have chosen to do the humanitarian thing and trade my word embeddings for hypebeast merch.

Even after training for a while my results were meh. I'll train it until it hits > 75% accuracy and then post results here.

FAQ and Creds

How did you make this? I based it off of a model developed by Aiko AI

Were any baby seals harmed in the making of this repository? No.

Why Subtle Asian Dating? Because memes and also single potato.