
This repository contains tuberculosis classification on Chest X-ray using transfer learning in pytorch


Tuberculosis detection using Chest X-RAY images in PyTorch

AlexNet CNN as the base model is used to classify CXR images as Normal / Tuberculosis_infected through Transfer learning.


Data Source:

  • Total File Size: 700MB
  • Number of records: 3500 Normal, 700 Tuberculosis (Separated into 2 (3600 train and 600 validation) parts)
  • Images are size of (512 * 512 * 3) and in .jpg format.

Network Architecture

Layer (type)               Output Shape         Param 
           Conv2d-1         [18, 64, 127, 127]          23,296
             ReLU-2         [18, 64, 127, 127]               0
        MaxPool2d-3           [18, 64, 63, 63]               0
           Conv2d-4          [18, 192, 63, 63]         307,392
             ReLU-5          [18, 192, 63, 63]               0
        MaxPool2d-6          [18, 192, 31, 31]               0
           Conv2d-7          [18, 384, 31, 31]         663,936
             ReLU-8          [18, 384, 31, 31]               0
           Conv2d-9          [18, 256, 31, 31]         884,992
            ReLU-10          [18, 256, 31, 31]               0
          Conv2d-11          [18, 256, 31, 31]         590,080
            ReLU-12          [18, 256, 31, 31]               0
       MaxPool2d-13          [18, 256, 15, 15]               0
AdaptiveAvgPool2d-14          [18, 256, 15, 15]               0
         Dropout-15                [18, 57600]               0
          Linear-16                  [18, 510]      29,376,510
            ReLU-17                  [18, 510]               0
          Linear-18                    [18, 1]             511
Total params: 31,846,717
Trainable params: 29,377,021
Non-trainable params: 2,469,696
  • network uses pretrained weights and during the training, CNN weights are freezed and training only affects the Linear layers.


  • For solving the problem of imbalance dataset, weighted classes used alongside with cross entropy loss


Validation loss: 0.019457, Validation acc: 99.333333,
for class Normal:
 validation precision: 0.994024, validation recall: 0.998000 , validation F1: 0.996008
for class Tuberculosis:
 validation precision: 0.989796, validation recall: 0.970000 , validation F1: 0.979798

Confusion matrix: