
Telegram-bot callback for your Keras model


Keras callback in Telegram

Telegram-bot callback for your Keras model

This module allows your model to send learning history to your chat in Telegram messenger.

Configure your Telegram Callback

To start use this callback you need fo register bot in telegram and get your telegram_id. Follow instructions below.

Step 1. Register your telegram bot.

  • Find BotFather in Telegram.
  • Follow BotFather instructions to register your bot in a few steps and get token.

Step 2. Get your ID.

  • Find @my_id_bot bot in Telegram and get your telegram_id. If bot is not working get telegram_id manually (step 2a).

Step 2a. Get your ID (optional).

  • Find your bot in telegram and send message 'hello!'
  • Paste in your browser<token>/getUpdates (use token you get in previous step), if you did everything correctly you will recive a JSON where you can find your telegram_id.


from .callbacks import TelegramCallback

# load data, define and compile model

# create callback
config = {
    'token': '556983321:AAHO-bSWaIqcvHL91Xw12X18OWczFIpY1s0',   # paste your bot token
    'telegram_id': 123456789,                                   # paste your telegram_id

tg_callback = TelegramCallback(config)

# start training, y, batch_size=32, callbacks=[tg_callback])

Congratulations! Now you will recive logs (losses, metrics, lr, etc.) in Telegram!

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