
Grid-based levels, level-based games. Keyboard driven.

MIT License



What it is

A library to build grid-based games using Kivy 1.9


Installing packages with Kivy is a joy because you cannot use virtual environments (assuming you use the Kivy package installer). Kivy creates its own unique snowflake environment, then provides a kivy command-line utility that heavily modifies your PYTHONPATH before ultimately launching the python interpreter. Thus, virtual environments are off the table, as none of their packages can be imported after using kivy.

  1. Download the Kivy installer and use it to install Kivy.
  2. Next, install okapi from PyPI using Kivy's pip: $ kivy -m pip install kivy-okapi

Launching an Okapi App

Once Okapi is installed where Kivy is willing to look, you can simply navigate into any game folder and run kivy like normal, and all Okapi libraries will be available.

Building a Game with Okapi

For reference, a complete example is provided in the /examples/rodents_revenge directory

Make your levels

Create a file called levels.txt, place it next to your file, and populate it like so:

;Level 1

;Level 2

; etc etc

The rules here are:

  • Lines beginning with a semi-colon are comments and ignored
  • Empty lines terminate a level

Assuming your game is level-based (a Chess app, for example, would not be and would only need to define 1 such block), your Game class will now have a list of those parsed blocks of text in self.raw_levels. This attribute is a list of lists, where each outer list is a row and each inner list is a column in that row. For now, they are still plain characters.

The Game section below provides more information about how to manage multiple levels.

Create an OkapiApp class

In your file, provide this bare minimum skeleton:

# Okapi
from import Okapi as OkapiApp

# Local
from game import Game
from screen_manager import ScreenManager

class MyGameApp(OkapiApp):

    GAME_CLASS = Game
    SCREEN_MANAGER_CLS = ScreenManager

    def get_application_name(self):
        return "My Game"

if __name__ == '__main__':

Kivy's build() method

Those familiar with Kivy know that the your project's main App class is required to define a build() function that returns the root widget. For Okapi, that root widget is of the ScreenManager class. It is this widget's job to swap in and out loading screens, the game screen, menu screens, high score screens, etc.

An example of overriding the ScreenManager class is provided in the Rodent's Revenge game, but here is a bare minimum example:

# Okapi
from okapi.screen_manager import ScreenManager as OkapiScreenManager

# Local
from welcome_screen import WelcomeScreen

class ScreenManager(OkapiScreenManager):

    def get_welcome_screen(self):

        If implemented, should return a `Screen` widget that says something
        like "Hello, welcome to my game!" and has a click listener. The
        `OkapiScreenManager` will listen for that click and start the game.
        return WelcomeScreen()

    def get_screen_from_game(self):

        Should do something with `` to get a Screen widget used to start
        and render the game.

Listening to Kivy's clock

The ScreenManager is also a clean interface to Kivy's clock module. Your ScreenManager keeps track of a current_screen attribute, and whenever this changes it unregisters any clock listeners from the previous screen and registers the new screen's clock listeners.

To register clock handlers, define them like so:

# Okapi
from okapi.screen import Screen

class SomeScreen(Screen):

    def every_second(self):
        # Do stuff

    def every_other_second(self):
        # Do more stuff

    def get_clock_tuple(self):
        # Option 1
        return (self.every_second, 1.0,)

        # or Option 2
        return (
            (self.every_second, 1.0,),
            (self.every_other_second, 2.0,),

The ScreenManager class will also drill down and check all top-level children of a screen to see if any have clock listeners.

Listening to keyboard input

The ScreenManager also listens to all keyboard input and passes it to both and whatever is its current_screen. To listen for clicks to the "down arrow":

# Okapi
from okapi.screen import Screen

class SomeScreen(Screen):

    def on_press_down(self):
        # Do stuff

    def on_press_y(self):
        # Do stuff

    def on_press_cmd_w(self):
        # Do stuff

    def on_press_alt_shift_s(self):
        # Do stuff

The above definitions also apply to your Game class.

If there are > 1 modifier keys pressed (shift, command, alt, etc) they will be alphabetized for consistency.

The Game class

The Game class is where you put your fun game logic! Define one like so:

# Engine
from import Game as OkapiGame

class Game(OkapiGame):

    # Used by `OkapiGame` to provide default functionality for
    # `self.get_clock_tuple()`
    # Rodent's Revenge only has to update once per second

    # Default blank ground -- empty walkable space

    # Other special types of ground. Maybe impassable, or maybe
    # containing various actors
        "b": ground.BlockGround,
        "#": ground.ImpassableGround,

    def clock_update(self, dt):
        # Make the game happen!

        if win_condition:

    def on_press_down(self):
        # Move something down!

    def next_level(self):
        Already defined by `OkapiGame`. Call this function whenever a player has cleared one level
        and you are ready to advance through `self.raw_levels`. This will trigger the initialization
        of the next level and update your `screen_manager.current_screen` value to be the screen
        of the new level. It will automatically start listening to keyboard input.

Moving actors

The OkapiGame class provides a function called move_actor. Let's say you are building a chess app. To move a knight, you would make a call like this:, 1, 2)

This will immediately cause a reanimation, showing the white knight having just moved.

Moving Rules

Moving legality is determined by the target ground's can_accommodate() method. By default, this rejects movements into occupied territory. Of course, that rule makes little sense for chess, so for that example you'd want to override that function to accept new pieces at any time, and to remove from the game any piece currently found in that spot.

Rodent's Revenge

One of my favorite games as a kid was Rodent's Revenge. It's a simple game of block pushing and cat trapping, but the gameplay is simple and quick enough that the game is very addicting.

So much did I like this game, in fact, that I cloned it as a working example of Okapi.