
Create Android apps with Python Kivy in Google Colab using Buildozer for compilation. Leverage Kivy's features for UI design. Compile apps into APKs directly from Colab. This guide provides step-by-step instructions for development and testing.


Android Application Development with Python Kivy and Buildozer in Google Colab

This guide demonstrates how to develop Android applications using Python Kivy framework and compile them using Buildozer in Google Colab.


Python Kivy is a powerful cross-platform Python framework for developing multi-touch applications. Buildozer is a tool that automates the process of compiling Python code into Android packages (APKs). By combining these tools in Google Colab, developers can create and test Android apps in a cloud-based environment.


  1. Set Up Google Colab Environment: Access Google Colab and create a new Python notebook.

  2. Install Dependencies: Install necessary dependencies including Python, Kivy, and Buildozer using the following commands:

    !pip install kivy
    !pip install buildozer
  3. Write Your Application Code: Develop your Android application using Python Kivy. Utilize Kivy's extensive library of widgets and features for building interactive user interfaces.

  4. Configure Buildozer: Create a buildozer.spec file to specify your application's metadata, dependencies, and settings for compilation.

  5. Compile Your Application: Execute the following command in your Colab notebook to compile your Python Kivy application into an APK:

    !buildozer android debug
  6. Download Your APK: Once the compilation process is complete, download the generated APK file from Google Colab to your local machine.

  7. Test Your Application: Transfer the APK file to an Android device and install it to test your application. Ensure that all features and functionalities work as expected.


This guide is provided for educational purposes only. Ensure compliance with Google Colab's terms of service and any applicable laws and regulations when developing and distributing Android applications.