
Created a Voice Assistant with the help of pyttsx3 library. Also, I have added a simple GUI with the help of Kivy library.

MIT License


Voice Assistant

I have made a voice assistant using python. I have used several audio libraries like 'speech_recognition', 'pyttsx3', 'pyaudio' etc. for speech recognition and answering to the user.

I have used 'kivy' library to add simple GUI and added a mic animation over there. Whenever use click on the mic icon, it glows up and the program starts listening to the user. As soon as the user ends the command, the program searches whether it can fulfill the command or not.

You can do many activities like listening to news, opening your whatsapp or instagram, knowing what time it is in the clock, play music etc. and you can do these activities on just giving a voice command.

Seems interesting right?

Then check this out!