
Koa middleware for AWS Cognito integration.


koa-cognito-middleware NPM version

The Koa middleware to authenticate and authorized users using AWS Cognito user pools. It validates a JWT token (either an id or access token) and populates ctx.state.user, or any other property of your choice, with its deciphered content. Simple helpers are provided to make decisions on accessibility of API endpoints for a given user.

This project is based on cognito-toolkit. It is a sister project of cognito-express-middleware.


const Koa = require('koa');
const Router = require('koa-router');
const getUser = require('koa-cognito-middleware');

const {isAuthenticated, hasScope, hasGroup, isAllowed} = getUser;

const app = new Koa();

// run getUser() on every request
  region: 'us-east-1',
  userPoolId: 'us-east-1_MY_USER_POOL'

// populate router1 with custom authorization rules

const router1 = new Router();

  ctx => (ctx.body = 'all allowed'));

router1.get('/b', isAuthenticated,
  ctx => (ctx.body = 'all authenticated'));

router1.post('/c', hasGroup('user-type/writers'),
  ctx => (ctx.body = 'only a writers group'));

router1.post('/d', hasScope('writers'),
  ctx => (ctx.body = 'only with a writers scope'));

  ctx => (ctx.body = req.user || {}));


// protect all routes with a single validator

const router2 = new Router();
// populate router2

const readMethods = {GET: 1, HEAD: 1, OPTIONS: 1};

const validator = async (ctx, groups, scopes) => {
  if (readMethods[ctx.method.toUpperCase()] === 1) return true;
  // only writers can use other methods (POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE...)
  if (groups.some(g => g === 'user-type/writers')) return true;
  if (scopes.some(s => s === 'writers')) return true;
  return false;

  .get('/lift', ctx => {
    const user = ctx.state.user;
    if (user) {
      user.setAuthCookie(ctx, {domain: 'api.my-domain.com'});
    ctx.status = 204;

// now all routes of router2 are protected by our validator

How to install

npm install --save koa-cognito-middleware
# yarn add koa-cognito-middleware


All provided functions are explained below. See the examples above for usage patterns.

getUser(options [, pools])

This is the main function directly returned from the module. It populates ctx.state[getUser.stateUserProperty] (see below) with a decoded JWT or assigns it to null (cannot positively authenticate). Other helpers or a user's code uses it to authorize or reject the user for a given route.

Additionally if an authenticated user it adds the following properties:

  • _token — the original JWT.
  • setAuthCookie(ctx, options) — a function, which when called with ctx argument sets a cookie specified by authCookie (see below) to _token.
    The optional options argument is an object compatible with options for cookie.set().
    By default the cookie is set with following options:
    • expires — an expiration time of a JWT.
    • domain — a value of ctx.host.
    • overwritetrue.
      options will overwrite/augment those values.

getUser(options [, pools]) takes options, which is an object with the following properties:

  • regionrequired string, which specifies an AWS region, such as 'us-east-1'. Default: none.
  • userPoolIdrequired string, which specifies a user pool ID, such as 'us-east-1_MY_USER_POOL'. Default: none.
  • authHeader — optional string. Default: 'Authorization'. It specifies an HTTP request header name. Its value should be a JWT supplied by AWS Cognito (id_token or access_token).
  • authCookie — optional string. Default: 'auth'. It specifies an HTTP request cookie name. Its value should be a JWT supplied by AWS Cognito (id_token or access_token).
  • source — optional function. Default: reads authHeader header and returns it, if it is not falsy, otherwise reads authCookie cookie and returns it, if it is not false, otherwise returns null.
    If it is a function, it is called with ctx argument, and can inspect a request to produce a JWT token as a string.
    • Examples:
      const getToken1 = ctx => ctx.headers['x-auth-header'];
      const getToken2 = ctx => ctx.cookies.get('auth-token');
  • setAuthCookieOptions — optional object compatible with options for cookie.set().
    If it is null (the default), a cookie is not set automatically. Otherwise, it is set every time it is not set or has a different value. When a cookie is set,
    setAuthCookieOptions is used to overwrite/augment the default options described above in setAuthCookie().

Optional pools, if specified, should be an object with the following properties or an array of such objects:

  • regionrequired string, which specifies an AWS region, such as 'us-east-1'. Default: none.
  • userPoolIdrequired string, which specifies a user pool ID, such as 'us-east-1_MY_USER_POOL'. Default: none.

If pools is specified region and userPoolId of options are ignored. Specifying pools is the onl way to supply an array of user pools.

This function should be used before any other helpers.


(Since 1.4.4): This is a property name to hold a user object. It can be a string or a Symbol. Default: 'user'.

Usually it is assigned right after obtaining getUser():

const getUser = require('koa-cognito-middleware');
getUser.stateUserProperty = 'cognitoUser';
const {isAuthenticated, hasScope, hasGroup, isAllowed} = getUser;

All other helper functions will use this value to inspect the state's user property.


This is a helper function, which checks if the state's user property is set. If not it rejects a request with 401 (unauthorized).


This is a helper function, which checks if the state's user property has 'cognito:groups' array that includes a given group (as a string). If not it rejects a request with 403 (forbidden) for valid users and 401 (unauthorized) for non-authenticated users.


This is a helper function, which checks if the state's user property has 'scope' string that includes a given scope (as a string). If not it rejects a request with 403 (forbidden) for valid users and 401 (unauthorized) for non-authenticated users.


This is a helper function, which checks runs a validator. If not it rejects a request with 403 (forbidden) for valid users and 401 (unauthorized) for non-authenticated users.

validator is an asynchronous function, which is called with three parameters: the original ctx, groups and scopes. The latter two parameters are arrays of strings listing cognito:groups and scope items respectively. validator should return a truthy value, if a user is allowed to perform an action, and a falsy value otherwise.


  • 1.4.7 Updated dependencies. Fix: scope was used incorrectly. Fix: 401 was reported instead of 403.
  • 1.4.6 Updated dependencies.
  • 1.4.5 Updated dependencies.
  • 1.4.4 Added support for state's user property name. Thx Mike Vosseller!
  • 1.4.3 Added support for multiple user pools.
  • 1.4.2 More bugfixes.
  • 1.4.1 Bugfixes.
  • 1.4.0 Added support for an auth cookie.
  • 1.3.0 Split off the common functionality to cognito-toolkit.
  • 1.2.0 Added a utility to lazily retrieve an access token by client ID and a secret.
  • 1.1.0 Added a utility to auto-retrieve an access token by client ID and a secret.
  • 1.0.0 The initial public release.


The 3-Clause BSD License