
🤓 A single repo containing both the koa-vue-notes-api and koa-vue-notes-web projects.



A single repo containing both the koa-vue-notes-api and koa-vue-notes-web projects. You can view the project live here.

Installing / Getting started

# install dependencies for the base folder
# and both the api and web projects.
npm install

# server both projects for development
npm run watch

# build both projects for production
npm run build

# run tests for both projects (backend first, then frontend)
npm run test

You can take a look at what those scripts do in the package.json. Bascially, we do everything in tandem - using the concurrently package when necessary. Then, if you need to do something that is specific to the frontend or backend - you jump into those folders directly.

This repo was created because some people like to run their frontend and backend in the same folder. That's cool. And honestly, I see the upside in that - mainly due to the simplicity it brings. So, I've gone ahead and structured this project in a way that both the backend and front end can be run from it. A few of the npm scripts have been adjusted in the base folder, but other than that, the two repos should be extremely similar to their individual repos. If I make any changes in the individual repos I'l do my best to mirror the changes here. Thank you.

Hit Me Up

Go ahead and fork the project! Message me here if you have questions or submit an issue if needed. I'll be making touch-ups as time goes on. Have fun with this!


Copywrite 2017 John Datserakis