
Advanced Bottom Sheet component for Compose with flexible configuration abilities.


The purpose of this repository is to lift the limitations of the original Material 3 bottom sheet by providing a more flexible API for configuring bottom sheet states. With Advanced Bottom Sheet you can implement more sophisticated use cases for your designs that rely on bottom sheets.



Add the dependency below to the build.gradle.kts file of your module. The Advanced Bottom Sheet is compatible with Compose Material3.

dependencies {

How to use

Advanced Bottom Sheet follows the API of BottomSheetScaffold component from the official Material3 implementation as close as possible while adding advanced configuration abilities for bottom sheets.

Folow the following 3 steps to implement a bottom sheet in your app.

Step 1

Define an enum class that represents the values (states) of your bottom sheet.

enum class SheetValue { Collapsed, PartiallyExpanded, Expanded }

Step 2

Create an instance of a BottomSheetState using rememberBottomSheetState function.

val sheetState = rememberBottomSheetState(
    initialValue = SheetValue.PartiallyExpanded,
    defineValues = {
        // Bottom sheet height is 100 dp.
        SheetValue.Collapsed at height(100.dp)
        // Bottom sheet offset is 60%, meaning it takes 40% of the screen.
        SheetValue.PartiallyExpanded at offset(percent = 60)
        // Bottom sheet height is equal to its content height.
        SheetValue.Expanded at contentHeight

Use defineValues lambda to configure bottom sheet values by mapping them to corresponding positions using height, offset or contentHeight and specify the initialValue of the bottom sheet.

Check bottom sheet values section to learn more.

Step 3

val scaffoldState = rememberBottomSheetScaffoldState(sheetState)

    scaffoldState = scaffoldState,
    sheetContent = {
        // Bottom sheet content
    content = {
        // Screen content

Comparing with Google's implementation

This project mitigates 2 constraints of the original Material 3 bottom sheet implementation from Google.

  • More than 2 expanded states. The original implementation allows the maximum of 2 expanded states. The advanced bottom sheet provides a convenient API for declaring as many states as you like.
  • Dynamic state changes. It also enables the ability to dynamically change the number of states whyle the bottom sheet is being used including mid-animation cases when it's being dragged.

Bottom sheet values

You can have as many bottom sheet values as you like and be able to easily configure the position of each of them.

State and value are used interchangeably in this context.

You can configure the bottom sheet values during the initialization of a BottomSheetState instance in defineValues lambda. There are a few available options to configure bottom sheet values.

val sheetState = rememberBottomSheetState(
    initialValue = SheetValue.PartiallyExpanded,
    defineValues = {
        SheetValue.Collapsed at height(...)
        SheetValue.PartiallyExpanded at offset(...)
        SheetValue.Expanded at contentHeight

Define bottom sheet position using the offset from the top of the screen.

  • offset(px = 200f) — bottom sheet offset in Float pixels.

  • offset(dp = 56.dp) — bottom sheet offset in dp.

  • offset(percent = 60) — bottom sheet offset as percentage of the screen height. (E.g. a 60% offset means the bottom sheet takes 40% of the screen height)

Define bottom sheet position using its height.

  • height(px = 200f) — bottom sheet height in Float pixels.

  • height(dp = 56.dp) — bottom sheet height in dp.

  • height(percent = 40) — bottom sheet height as a percentage of the screen height. (It takes 40% of the screen height in this case)

Finally, use contentHeight if you want the bottom sheet to wrap it's content.

Dynamically reconfigure values

In some cases, you might need to add, update or remove the bottom sheet values while you're using it mid-animation.

Imagine a use case when your bottom sheet has 3 values, Collapsed, PartiallyExpanded and Expanded. You need the mid value PartiallyExpanded to be present when you open the screen. However, once the user drags the bottom sheet you need to remove it so that only Collapsed and PartiallyExpanded values are present.

The BottomSheetState instance provides a refreshValues function that upon calling will invoke the defineValues lambda again.

var isInitialState by remember { mutableStateOf(true) }

val sheetState = rememberBottomSheetState(
    initialValue = SheetValue.PartiallyExpanded,
    defineValues = {
        SheetValue.Collapsed at height(100.dp)
        if (isInitialState) {
            SheetValue.PartiallyExpanded at offset(percent = 60)
        SheetValue.Expanded at contentHeight
    confirmValueChange = {
        if (isInitialState) {
            isInitialState = false
            // Invokes defineValues lambda again.

As an example, the confirmValueChange lambda is invoked every time the bottom sheet value is about to be changed. This is a good place to update the variable that impacts the bottom sheet configuration.

Observing bottom sheet state

You can easily observe in realtime the position and the dimensions of the bottom sheet.

A common use case is when your bottom sheet is displayed on top of a map. You might need to adjust the map UI controls or comply with the Terms of Service and display the Google logo while the bottom sheet is being dragged.

val sheetState = rememberBottomSheetState(...)
val scaffoldState = rememberBottomSheetScaffoldState(sheetState)

    scaffoldState = scaffoldState,
    sheetContent = { ... },
    content = {
        // Observe the height of the visible part of the bottom sheet 
        // while its being dragged.
        val bottomPadding by remember {
            derivedStateOf { sheetState.requireSheetVisibleHeightDp() }

        val cameraPositionState = rememberCameraPositionState()
            cameraPositionState = cameraPositionState,
            // Adjust the map content padding based on the current
            // bottom sheet height.
            contentPadding = remember(bottomPadding) { 
                PaddingValues(bottom = bottomPadding)

By using derivedStateOf you will get realtime updates once the bottom sheet is being dragged. Here is the list of properties of BottomSheetState you could observe.

offset, offsetDp — bottom sheet offset from the top of the screen in pixels and dp.

layoutHeight, layoutHeightDp — height of the containing layout in pixels and dp.

sheetFullHeight, sheetFullHeightDp — full height of the bottom sheet including the offscreen part in pixels and dp.

sheetVisibleHeight, sheetVisibleHeightDp — visible height of the bottom sheet in pixels and dp.

For each of the properties above a function with require... prefix is available which is preferred way to retrieve these values. For instance requireOffset(), requireOffsetDp(), etc.


Copyright 2024 morfly (Pavlo Stavytskyi).

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
Extracted from project README
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