
Android Dependency Injection example with dagger. Testing with dependency injection


Android Dagger and testing example

  • Testing with MVP , Dagger 2 and Retrofit 2
  • Required knowledge: MVP and Retrofit 2.

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Dagger 2 (Dependency Injection)

  • Dependency: If A is dependent on B, that means A cannot function without B. So dependency injection means that when A is dependent on B, we will inject B into A so that A can function correctly.
  • So Dependency injection is the pattern of the injection of a dependency to a dependent object (a client) that needs it.
  • Before you start using dagger, it's important you understand the concepts of dependency injection.
  • Now how exactly does this work. And what does it look like in Android.
  • There are 3 types of injection:
    • Constructor injection
class Example{
   DB dependency
   Example(DB dependency){
     this.dependency = dependency;
   // ...
  • Setter/method injection
class Example{
   DB dependency
   void setDB(DB dependency){
     this.dependency = dependency;
   // ...
  • Property/field injection
class Example{
    DB dependency
example.dependency = dependency;
  • Simply, the Application has a property Component. This component (interface) exposes dependencies, for example GithubAPI. The Component relies on Modules in order to provide these dependencies. In our example we have a ServiceModule which creates and provides a GithubAPI to our dependent classes.

  • In code it looks like this:

@Component(modules = arrayOf(ApplicationModule::class,ServiceModule::class))
interface ApplicationComponent {
    val applicationContext: Context
    val transformers : Transformers
    val githubAPI : GithubAPI
open class ServiceModule {

    val URI = ""

    open fun provideRestAdapter(): Retrofit {
      return Retrofit.Builder().baseUrl(URI).addConverterFactory(

     open fun provideGithubAPI(retrofit: Retrofit): GithubAPI {
      return retrofit.create(
 open class ExampleApp : Application() {
  val component by lazy { createComponent() }

  open fun createComponent(): ApplicationComponent =
  • As you can see, we have an interface ApplicationComponent which has ServiceModule as module @Component(modules = arrayOf(ApplicationModule::class,ServiceModule::class)) to provide GithubAPI, notice that in ServiceModule the method fun provideGithubAPI(retrofit: Retrofit): GithubAPI is annotated with @Provides.
  • Now we can create a class Activity that is depedent on ApplicationComponent, and you can inject one of the dependencies into this class using one of the three methods explained above annotating it with @Inject.


  • As explained above we can replace our Module, so that instead of the production dependency it provides a mocked dependency. All our dependencies are injected through our Application. So we create a test application, override the createComponent() : ApplicationComponent function and specify our TestModule instead of our ServiceModule.

    • If you want Robolectric to run a different Application than defined in your manifest, it will do it automatically for you when you add Test as a prefix to your Application name. (TestExampleApp)
  • So let's do this for our GithubAPI

  • First we'll create a MockGithubAPI:

class MockGithubAPI() : GithubAPI {
  val repos = listOf(GitHubRepo("test", "", "test_desc"))
  var throwError = false

  override fun getRepos(): Observable<List<GitHubRepo>> {
    return if (throwError) Observable.error(Exception("exception")) else Observable.just(repos)
  • Now we can adjust our ServiceModule to provide an instance of MockGithubAPI instead of the retrofit instance of GithubAPI.
class TestServiceModule : ServiceModule() {

  override fun provideRestAdapter(): Retrofit {
    return Retrofit.Builder().baseUrl(URI).addConverterFactory(

  override  fun provideGithubAPI(retrofit: Retrofit): GithubAPI {
    return MockGithubAPI()
  • As a final step you override the Application and you now succesfully replaced your depedencies with mocked dependencies.
class TestExampleApp : ExampleApp() {
  override fun createComponent(): ApplicationComponent = DaggerApplicationComponent.builder().applicationModule(
  • You can use the same technique for other dependencies. In the source code of this example, you'll find a core.rx.RxUtil class that is used to inject Transfomer into the Presenter. You can mock these out to apply Schedulers.immediate() to keep the AndroidSchedulers.mainThread() out of your presenter unit test.
  • At the end of the day, this is what we like to see. So now you can go home and enjoy a drink.