
Retrieve and display statistics of artifact transforms executed in a Gradle project using DV API

MIT License



This project provides a cli or dependency designed to retrieve and display statistics of artifact transforms executed in a Gradle project. By leveraging the Develocity API, this tool offers detailed insights into the performance and behavior of artifact transforms.


Retrieve artifact transforms of the last 50 builds of the project nowinandroid:

./artifacttransform --api-key=$DV_KEY --url=$DV_URL --project nowinandroid

Retrieve artifact transforms of a single build:

./artifacttransform --api-key=$DV_KEY --url=$DV_URL --build-scan-id wwdzlsbbxkopk


Summary console

The cli summarizes the information in the console including the following sections:

  • Longest durations by Artifacts Transforms by Type
  • Slowest Artifact transforms
  • Duration by outcome/avoidance outcome
  • Longest Negative Avoidance savings
  • Heaviest cache size Artifact transforms
│                                                                      Artifacts Transforms by Type                                                                      │
│                Transforms                │                            Duration                             │                      Fingerprinting                       │
│ AarTransform                    │ 555032 │ DexingWithClasspathTransform                 │ 1d 23h 6m 15.86s │ ClasspathEntrySnapshotTransform              │ 28m 51.34s │
│ IdentityTransform               │ 183331 │ ClasspathEntrySnapshotTransform              │     3h 34m 44.7s │ ExtractAarTransform                          │    22m 53s │
│ AarToClassTransform             │ 178992 │ AsmClassesTransform                          │     3h 6m 54.92s │ AarTransform                                 │  20m 10.1s │
│ CopyTransform                   │ 157175 │ JacocoTransform                              │    2h 56m 22.45s │ DexingWithClasspathTransform                 │ 17m 31.83s │
│ AggregatedPackagesTransform     │ 157175 │ AarToClassTransform                          │    1h 19m 17.48s │ EnumerateClassesTransform                    │  7m 58.77s │
│ ClasspathEntrySnapshotTransform │ 152334 │ ExtractAarTransform                          │       50m 46.86s │ BuildToolsApiClasspathEntrySnapshotTransform │  5m 10.26s │
│ StructureTransformAction        │ 138867 │ StructureTransformAction                     │       50m 16.73s │ PlatformAttrTransform                        │  2m 45.28s │
│ DexingWithClasspathTransform    │ 130920 │ AarTransform                                 │       46m 37.24s │ Aapt2FromMaven$Companion$Aapt2Extractor      │     30.69s │
│ AsmClassesTransform             │  94891 │ BuildToolsApiClasspathEntrySnapshotTransform │        41m 8.17s │ AarToClassTransform                          │     22.88s │
│ JacocoTransform                 │  93263 │ AggregatedPackagesTransform                  │       32m 56.64s │ JacocoTransform                              │      20.4s │
│                                                                  Negative Transforms by Type                                                                  │
│              Transforms               │       Aggregated Negative Duration       │                             Slowest Transform                              │
│ ClasspathEntrySnapshotTransform │ 117 │ EnumerateClassesTransform       │ -719ms │ AsmClassesTransform-hilt-work-1.1.0-runtime.jar                   │ -110ms │
│ AggregatedPackagesTransform     │ 102 │ JacocoTransform                 │ -659ms │ JacocoTransform-classes.jar                                       │  -92ms │
│ EnumerateClassesTransform       │  99 │ LibrarySymbolTableTransform     │ -642ms │ AsmClassesTransform-navigation-compose-2.8.0-alpha06-runtime.jar  │  -85ms │
│ LibrarySymbolTableTransform     │  89 │ ClasspathEntrySnapshotTransform │ -576ms │ JacocoTransform-classes.jar                                       │  -57ms │
│ AarResourcesCompilerTransform   │  69 │ AsmClassesTransform             │ -540ms │ JacocoTransform-classes.jar                                       │  -51ms │
│ JacocoTransform                 │  62 │ AarResourcesCompilerTransform   │ -509ms │ AsmClassesTransform-firebase-messaging-ktx-23.3.0-runtime.jar     │  -36ms │
│ AsmClassesTransform             │  40 │ AggregatedPackagesTransform     │ -422ms │ ClasspathEntrySnapshotTransform-model.jar                         │  -24ms │
│ ExtractJniTransform             │  34 │ ExtractJniTransform             │  -93ms │ AggregatedPackagesTransform-core-1.12.0-api.jar                   │  -24ms │
│ DexingWithClasspathTransform    │   6 │ DexingWithClasspathTransform    │  -25ms │ AsmClassesTransform-firebase-config-21.5.0-runtime.jar            │  -22ms │
│ DesugarLibConfigExtractor       │   1 │ DesugarLibConfigExtractor       │   -3ms │ ClasspathEntrySnapshotTransform-firebase-analytics-21.4.0-api.jar │  -21ms │
│                                                          Duration by Artifact transform dependency                                                          │
│                        Aggregated duration by dependency                         │                  Aggregated duration by input artifact                   │
│ androidx.compose.material:material-icons-extended-android:1.6.3 │ 14h 55m 36.64s │ instrumented_material-icons-extended-release-runtime.jar │ 8h 29m 46.35s │
│ androidx.compose.material3:material3-android:1.2.1              │  4h 18m 37.19s │ material-icons-extended-release-runtime.jar              │ 5h 51m 39.71s │
│    │  2h 31m 15.33s │ instrumented_material3-release-runtime.jar               │ 2h 31m 55.42s │
│ androidx.compose.material:material-android:1.6.3                │  1h 47m 58.57s │ instrumented_foundation-release-runtime.jar              │  2h 3m 24.63s │
│ androidx.compose.ui:ui-android:1.7.0-alpha06                    │   1h 30m 9.87s │ instrumented_classes.jar                                 │ 1h 54m 36.18s │
│ org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib:1.9.22                       │  1h 29m 55.49s │ material3-release-runtime.jar                            │ 1h 39m 11.63s │
│                             │  1h 20m 26.69s │ instrumented_guava-31.1-android.jar                      │  1h 7m 31.94s │
│ androidx.core:core:1.12.0                                       │    1h 2m 29.9s │ instrumented_ui-release-runtime.jar                      │  1h 7m 13.08s │
│ androidx.collection:collection-jvm:1.4.0                        │     58m 12.15s │ foundation-release-runtime.jar                           │   1h 5m 38.7s │
│                                │     56m 56.32s │ instrumented_material-release-runtime.jar                │   1h 1m 9.26s │

Summary text file

Text file with the same information displayed in the console


Complete list of artifact transforms by entity:

org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.internal.transforms.ClasspathEntrySnapshotTransform,99,executed_cacheable,4qujllmrddxqe,groovy-astbuilder-3.0.17.jar [artifactType=classpath-entry-snapshot],null,2,jar,classpath-entry-snapshot,837
org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.internal.transforms.ClasspathEntrySnapshotTransform,92,executed_cacheable,4qujllmrddxqe,groovy-ant-3.0.17.jar [artifactType=classpath-entry-snapshot],null,2,jar,classpath-entry-snapshot,1678


Using Binary

Github release repository contains the ArtifactTransformReport binary. After downloading the binary you can execute:

 curl -L --output artifacttransform
 chmod 0757 artifacttransform
./artifacttransform --api-key=$KEY --url=$URL --project nowinandroid


  • api-key represents Develocity API token
  • url Develocity instance

Using sources

./gradlew :cli:fatBinary
cd cli
./artifacttransform --api-key=$KEY --url=$URL --project nowinandroid

Parameters aggregating multiple builds

Name Description Default Required Example
api-key String token Yes --api-key=$DV_KEY
url Gradle Enterprise instance Yes --url=
max-builds Max builds to be processed 100 No --max-builds=500
project Root project in Gradle Enterprise Yes --project=acme
tags One or more tags included in the build. No --tags=main --tags=not:local
user Author of the build No --user=leo

Parameters single build

Name Description Default Required Example
api-key String token Yes --api-key=$DV_KEY
url Gradle Enterprise instance Yes --url=
build-scan-id Build scan id Yes --build-scan-id=iwuduw8


If you don't want to use the CLI, we are providing a dependency to retrieve the Artifact transforms:



Retrieve artifact transforms of the last 50 builds of the project nowinandroid:

 val filter = Filter(
    maxBuilds = 50,
    project = "nowinandroid",
    clientType = ClientType.API
val repository = GradleRepositoryImpl(GEClient(apiKey, url))
val transforms = GetArtifactTransforms(filter, repository).get()

Retrieve artifact transforms of a single build:

val repository = GradleRepositoryImpl(GEClient(apiKey, url))
val transforms = GetSingleArtifactTransform(repository).get("skek220x")

The library provides different extensions in ArtifactTransforms.kt:

fun List<ArtifactTransform>.totalNegativeAvoidanceSavingsByTransformArtifactType() =
    this.filter { it.avoidanceSavings != null && it.avoidanceSavings!!.toInt() < 0 }
        .groupingBy { it.transformActionType }
        .sortedByDescending { it.second }
        .flatMap {
            listOf(Pair(it.first, it.second))


  • Artifact Transforms information is available in the Develocity API 2023.4+
  • In highly modularized builds the number of artifact transforms can be high. The cli and dependency provides a way to filter the information by user, project, and tags.

Libraries used