
Ktor/Vertx spring-actuator style library - healthchecks, logging, database

APACHE-2.0 License



Cohort is a Spring Actuator style replacement for Ktor and Vertx. It provides health checks for orchestrators like Kubernetes and management of logging, databases, JVM settings, memory and threads in production.

See changelog


All features are disabled by default.

  • Comprehensive system healthchecks: Expose healthcheck endpoints that check for thread deadlocks, memory usage,
    disk space, cpu usage, garbage collection and more.
  • Resource healthchecks: Additional modules to monitor the health of Redis, Kafka, Elasticsearch, databases and
    other resources.
  • Micrometer integration: Send healthcheck metrics to a micrometer registry, so you can see which
    healthchecks are consistently failing or flakely.
  • Database pools: See runtime metrics such as active and idle connections in database pools such as Hikari
    Connection Pool.
  • JVM Info: Enable endpoints to export system properties, JVM arguments and version information, and O/S name /
  • Thread and heap dumps: Optional endpoints to export a thread dump or heap dump, in the standard JVM format, for
    analysis locally.
  • Database migrations: See the status of applied and pending database migrations from
    either Flyway or Liquibase.
  • Logging configuration: View configured loggers and levels and modify log levels at runtime.

How to use

For ktor projects:

Include the following dependencies in your build:

  • com.sksamuel.cohort:cohort-ktor:<version>

Then to wire into Ktor, install the Cohort plugin, and enable whichever features / endpoints we want to expose. Remember, endpoints are disabled by default for security, and you must enable them.

Here is a sample configuration with each feature enabled.

install(Cohort) {

   // enable an endpoint to display operating system name and version
   operatingSystem = true

   // enable runtime JVM information such as vm options and vendor name
   jvmInfo = true

   // configure the Logback log manager to show effective log levels and allow runtime adjustment
   logManager = LogbackManager

   // show connection pool information
   dataSources = listOf(HikariDataSourceManager(ds))

   // show current system properties
   sysprops = true

   // enable an endpoint to dump the heap in hprof format
   heapdump = true

   // enable an endpoint to dump threads
   threaddump = true

   // enable healthchecks for kubernetes
   // each of these is optional and can map to any healthcheck url you wish
   // for example if you just want a single health endpoint, you could use /health
   healthcheck("/liveness", livechecks)
   healthcheck("/readiness", readychecks)
   healthcheck("/startup", startupchecks)

For vertx projects:

Include the following dependencies in your build:

  • com.sksamuel.cohort:cohort-vertx:<version>

Then in your app, create a cohort object using the initializeCohort function. Then pass that object to the router.cohort extension function. Note: If you are deploying multiple instances of a verticle, be sure to initialize cohort outside of the verticle and pass in the instance. Otherwise, each verticle will create its own set of background checks.

Here is a sample configuration with each feature enabled.

val cohort = initializeCohort {

   // enable an endpoint to display operating system name and version
   operatingSystem = true

   // enable runtime JVM information such as vm options and vendor name
   jvmInfo = true

   // configure the Logback log manager to show effective log levels and allow runtime adjustment
   logManager = LogbackManager

   // show connection pool information
   dataSources = listOf(HikariDataSourceManager(ds))

   // show current system properties
   sysprops = true

   // enable an endpoint to dump the heap in hprof format
   heapdump = true

   // enable an endpoint to dump threads
   threaddump = true

   // enable healthchecks for kubernetes
   // each of these is optional and can map to any healthcheck url you wish
   // for example if you just want a single health endpoint, you could use /health
   healthcheck("/liveness", livenessChecks)
   healthcheck("/readiness", readinessChecks)
   healthcheck("/startup", startupChecks)

val vertx = Vertx.vertx()
val router = Router.router(vertx)

Other modules

Finally, add any additional modules for any features you wish to activate. For example the kafka module requires com.sksamuel.cohort:cohort-kafka:<version>.


Cohort provides HealthChecks for a variety of JVM metrics such as memory and thread deadlocks as well as connectivity to services such as Kafka and Elasticsearch and databases.

We use health checks by adding them to a HealthCheckRegistry instance, along with an interval of how often to run the checks. A registry requires a coroutine dispatcher to execute the checks on. Healthchecks can take advantage of coroutines to suspend if they need to do something IO based. Cohort will periodically run these healthchecks based on the passed schedule and record if they are healthy or unhealthy.

For example:

val checks = HealthCheckRegistry(Dispatchers.Default) {

   // detects if threads are mutually blocked on each others locks
   register(ThreadDeadlockHealthCheck(), 1.minutes)

   // checks that we always have at least one database connection open
   register(HikariConnectionsHealthCheck(ds, 1), 5.seconds)

With the registry created, we register it with Cohort by invoking the healthcheck method along with an endpoint url to expose it on.

For example:

install(Cohort) {
   healthcheck("/healthcheck", checks)

Whenever the endpoint is accessed, a 200 is returned if all health checks are currently reporting healthy, and a 500 otherwise.

Which healthchecks you use is entirely up to you, and you may want to use some healthchecks for startup probes, some for readiness checks and some for liveness checks. See the section on kubernetes for discussion on how to structure healthchecks in a kubernetes environment.

If you wish to output the results of each metric scan, you can hook into micrometer.

Available Healthchecks

This table lists the available health checks and their uses.

Healthcheck Module Details
AvailableCoresHealthCheck cohort-core Checks for a minimum number of available CPU cores. While the number of cores won't change during the lifetime of a pod, this check can be useful to avoid accidentally deploying pods into environments that don't have the required resources.
DaemonThreadsHealthCheck cohort-core Checks that the number of daemon threads does not exceed a threshold.
DatabaseConnectionHealthCheck cohort-core Checks that a database connection can be retrieved from a DataSource and that the connection is valid. This healthcheck is useful to determine if a DataSource is becoming contended and cannnot return a connection in a timely manner.
DbcpConnectionsHealthCheck cohort-dbcp Checks that the number of connections in an Apache DBCP2 connection pool is at least equal to a min value.
DbcpMinIdleHealthCheck cohort-dbcp Checks that the number of idle connections in an Apache DBCP2 connection pool is at least equal to a min value.
DiskSpaceHealthCheck cohort-core Checks that the available disk space on a filestore is below a threshold.
DynamoDBHealthCheck cohort-aws-dynamo Checks connectivity to an AWS DynamoDB instance.
ElasticClusterHealthCheck cohort-elastic Checks that an elasticsearch cluster is reachable and the cluster is in "green" state.
ElasticClusterCommandCheck cohort-elastic Executes an arbitrary command against an elasticsearch cluster.
ElasticIndexHealthCheck cohort-elastic Checks that a topic exists on an elastic cluster, with an optional setting to fail if the topic is empty.
FreememHealthCheck cohort-core Checks that the available freemem is above a threshold.
GarbageCollectionTimeCheck cohort-core Checks that the time spent in GC is below a threshold. The time is specified as a percentage and is calculated as the period between invocations.
HikariConnectionsHealthCheck cohort-hikari Confirms that the number of connections in a Hikari DataSource connection pool is equal or above a threshold. This is useful to ensure a required number of connections are open before accepting traffic.
HikariMinIdleHealthCheck cohort-hikari Checks that the number of idle connections in an Hikari DataSource connection pool is at least equal to a min value.
HikariPendingThreadsHealthCheck cohort-hikari Checks that the number of threads awaiting a connection from a Hikari DataSource is below a threshold. This is useful to detect when queries are running slowly and causing threads to back up waiting for a connection
HotSpotCompilationTimeHealthCheck cohort-core Is healthy once a specified HotSpot compilation time is reached
HttpHealthCheck cohort-http Attempts to connect to a given HTTP host/port/method.
KafkaClusterHealthCheck cohort-kafka Confirms that a Kafka client can connect to a Kafka cluster.
KafkaLastPollHealthCheck cohort-kafka Asserts the last poll time for a Kafka Consumer was within a set threshold.
KafkaConsumerCountHealthCheck cohort-kafka Checks that a Kafka Consumer is consuming a minimum number of records between health checks.
KafkaProducerCountHealthCheck cohort-kafka Checks that a Kafka Producer is producing a minimum number of records between health checks.
KafkaTopicHealthCheck cohort-kafka Confirms that a Kafka cluster can be reached and a topic exists.
KafkaConsumerSubscriptionHealthCheck cohort-kafka Checks that a Kafka consumer is subscribed to specified (or any) topic.
LiveThreadsHealthCheck cohort-core Checks that the number of live threads does not exceed a value
LoadedClassesHealthCheck cohort-core Checks that the number of loaded classes is below a threshold
MaxFileDescriptorsHealthCheck cohort-core Checks that the number of max file descriptors is at least a required level.
OpenFileDescriptorsHealthCheck cohort-core Checks that the number of open file descriptors is below a threshold.
PeakThreadsHealthCheck cohort-core Checks that the number of peak threads does not exceed a threshold.
MongoConnectionHealthCheck cohort-mongo Checks for connectivity to a Mongo instance.
ProcessCpuHealthCheck cohort-core Checks that the process cpu is below a threshold.
RabbitConnectionHealthCheck cohort-rabbit Checks for connectivity to a RabbitMQ instance.
RabbitQueueHealthCheck cohort-rabbit Checks for connectivity to, and existence of, a RabbitMQ queue.
RedisClusterHealthCheck cohort-redis Confirms that a connection can be opened to a Redis cluster using a Jedis client. Can optionally execute an arbitrary command.
RedisHealthCheck cohort-redis Confirms that a connection can be opened to a Redis instance using a Jedis client. Can optionally execute an arbitrary command.
RedisClusterHealthCheck cohort-lettuce Confirms that a connection can be opened to a Redis cluster using a Lettuce client. Can optionally execute an arbitrary command.
RedisHealthCheck cohort-lettuce Confirms that a connection can be opened to a Redis instance using a Lettuce client. Can optionally execute an arbitrary command.
StartedThreadsHealthCheck cohort-core that the number of created and started threads does not exceed a threshold.
S3ReadBucketHealthCheck cohort-aws-s3 Checks for connectivity and permissions to read from an S3 bucket.
SQSQueueHealthCheck cohort-aws-sqs Checks for connectivity and existence of an SQS queue.
SNSHealthCheck cohort-aws-sns Checks for connectivity and existence of an SQS queue.
SystemCpuHealthCheck cohort-core Checks that the maximum system cpu is below a threshold.
SystemLoadHealthCheck cohort-core Checks that the maximum system load is below a threshold.
TcpHealthCheck cohort-core Attempts to ping a given host and port within a time period. Can be used to check connectivity to an arbitrary socket.
ThreadDeadlockHealthCheck cohort-core Checks for the presence of deadlocked threads. A single deadlocked thread marks this check as unhealthy.
ThreadStateHealthCheck cohort-core Checks that the the number of threads in a given state does not exceed a value. For example, you could specify that the max number of BLOCKED threads is 100.


A Kubernetes kubelet offers three kinds of probes to know the status of a container.

  • liveness - Indicates whether the container is running. If the liveness probe fails, the kubelet kills the
    container (and restarts subject to the restart policy).
  • readiness - Indicates whether the container is ready to respond to requests. If the readiness probe fails, the
    kubelet removes the pod from receiving traffic.
  • startup - Indicates whether the application within the container has started. All other probes are disabled if a
    startup probe is provided, until it succeeds.

The kubelet uses liveness probes to know when to restart a container. Liveness probes help catch a situation where an application is running but is no longer useful. One such example is if a thread has stopped and the application does not have code to detect and restart the thread. Restarting a container in such a state can make the application available again despite the presence of bugs.

The kubelet uses readiness probes to know when a container should receive traffic. A pod is considered ready when all of its containers are ready. One use of this signal is to temporarily remove traffic from backends when they are unable to handle any more requests. For example, a service may have received more requests than it can handle, and so it's backlog of requests is growing. Taking that pod out of the load balancers while it catches up can avoid the service crashing or needing a restart. A pod with containers reporting that they are not ready does not receive traffic through Kubernetes Services.

Readiness probes are not a substitute for proper scaling (either HPA or manually) but they can avoid a situation where all pods are killed, and a service is completely unavailable.

The kubelet uses startup probes to know when a container application has fully started. If such a probe is configured, it disables liveness and readiness checks until it succeeds, making sure those probes don't interfere with the application startup. Startup probes are very useful if an application needs to perform slow initialization work and until that is complete, a liveness check would fail. This avoids situation where the failing liveness checks result in the kubelet killing the pod before it is ready.

Healthcheck Endpoint Output

Here is an example of output from a health check with a series of configured health checks.

      "name": "com.sksamuel.cohort.memory.FreememHealthCheck",
      "healthy": true,
      "lastCheck": "2022-03-15T03:01:09.445932Z",
      "message": "Freemem is above threshold [433441040 >= 67108864]",
      "cause": null,
      "consecutiveSuccesses": 75,
      "consecutiveFailures": 0
      "name": "com.sksamuel.cohort.system.OpenFileDescriptorsHealthCheck",
      "healthy": true,
      "lastCheck": "2022-03-15T03:01:09.429469Z",
      "message": "Open file descriptor count within threshold [209 <= 16000]",
      "cause": null,
      "consecutiveSuccesses": 25,
      "consecutiveFailures": 0
      "name": "com.sksamuel.cohort.memory.GarbageCollectionTimeCheck",
      "healthy": true,
      "lastCheck": "2022-03-15T03:00:54.422194Z",
      "message": "GC Collection time was 0% [Max is 25]",
      "cause": null,
      "consecutiveSuccesses": 6,
      "consecutiveFailures": 0
      "name": "writer connections",
      "healthy": true,
      "lastCheck": "2022-03-15T03:01:09.445868Z",
      "message": "Database connections is equal or above threshold [8 >= 8]",
      "cause": null,
      "consecutiveSuccesses": 75,
      "consecutiveFailures": 0
      "name": "reader connections",
      "healthy": true,
      "lastCheck": "2022-03-15T03:01:09.445841Z",
      "message": "Database connections is equal or above threshold [8 >= 8]",
      "cause": null,
      "consecutiveSuccesses": 75,
      "consecutiveFailures": 0
      "name": "com.sksamuel.cohort.system.SystemCpuHealthCheck",
      "healthy": true,
      "lastCheck": "2022-03-15T03:01:09.463421Z",
      "message": "System CPU is below threshold [0.12667261373773417 < 0.9]",
      "cause": null,
      "consecutiveSuccesses": 75,
      "consecutiveFailures": 0
      "name": "com.sksamuel.cohort.threads.ThreadDeadlockHealthCheck",
      "healthy": true,
      "lastCheck": "2022-03-15T03:00:54.419733Z",
      "message": "There are 0 deadlocked threads",
      "cause": null,
      "consecutiveSuccesses": 6,
      "consecutiveFailures": 0


Cohort will send healthcheck metrics to micrometer if configured. Add the cohort-micrometer module and then bind an instance of CohortMetrics to both your healthcheck registry, and the micrometer registry.

For example:

val micrometerRegistry = DatadogMeterRegistry(..) // or any other registry

val healthcheckRegistry = HealthCheckRegistry(Dispatchers.Default) {
   register("foo", FooHealthCheck, 5.seconds)
   register("bar", BarHealthCheck, 3.seconds)


Each health check will emit a metric under the key cohort.healthcheck with a name, type and healthy tag.


Cohort allows you to view the current logging configuration and update log levels at runtime.

To enable this, pass an instance of the LogManager interface for the logging framework you are using to the logManagerparameter in the Cohort plugin configuration.

Once enabled, the endpoint GET /cohort/logging can be used to show current log information and PUT /cohort/logging/{name}/{level} can be used to modify a log level at runtime.

Cohort currently supports two LogManager implementations:

  • LogbackManager - add module com.sksamuel.cohort:cohort-logback:<version>
  • Log4j2Manager - add module com.sksamuel.cohort:cohort-log4j2:<version>

For example, for projects that use logback, you can configure like this:

install(Cohort) {
   logManager = LogbackManager

Here is the example output of which shows the logging configuration:

   "levels": [
   "loggers": [
         "name": "ROOT",
         "level": "INFO"
         "name": "com",
         "level": "INFO"
         "name": "com.sksamuel",
         "level": "INFO"
         "name": "ktor",
         "level": "INFO"
         "name": "ktor.application",
         "level": "INFO"
         "name": "org",
         "level": "INFO"
         "name": "org.apache",
         "level": "INFO"
         "name": "org.apache.kafka",
         "level": "WARN"

Jvm Info

Displays information about the JVM state, including VM options, JVM version, and vendor name.

To enable, set jvmInfo to true inside the Cohort ktor configuration block:

install(Cohort) {
   jvmInfo = true
   "name": "106637@sam-H310M-A-2-0",
   "pid": 106637,
   "vmOptions": [
   "classPath": "/home/sam/development/workspace/......",
   "specName": "Java Virtual Machine Specification",
   "specVendor": "Oracle Corporation",
   "specVersion": "11",
   "vmName": "OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM",
   "vmVendor": "AdoptOpenJDK",
   "vmVersion": "11.0.10+9",
   "startTime": 1647315704746,
   "uptime": 405278

Operating System

Displays the running os and version.

To enable, set operatingSystem to true inside the Cohort ktor configuration block:

install(Cohort) {
   operatingSystem = true
   "arch": "amd64",
   "name": "Linux",
   "version": "5.13.0-35-generic"


By passing one or more database pools to Cohort, you can see at runtime the current state of the pool(s). Once enabled, a GET request to /cohort/datasources will return information such as idle connection count, max pool size, connection timeouts and so on.

Cohort supports two connection pool libraries:

  • Apache Commons DBCP - add module com.sksamuel.cohort:cohort-dbcp
  • HikariCP - add module com.sksamuel.cohort:cohort-hikari

To activate this feature, wrap your DataSource in an appropriate DataSourceManager instance and pass through to the Cohort plugin.

For example, if we had two connection pools, a writer pool using Hikari, and a reader pool using Apache DBCP, then we could configure like this:

install(Cohort) {
   dataSources = listOf(

Here is an example output for the above datasources:

      "name": "writer",
      "activeConnections": 0,
      "idleConnections": 8,
      "totalConnections": 8,
      "threadsAwaitingConnection": 0,
      "connectionTimeout": 30000,
      "idleTimeout": 600000,
      "maxLifetime": 1800000,
      "leakDetectionThreshold": 0,
      "maximumPoolSize": 16,
      "validationTimeout": 5000
      "name": "reader",
      "activeConnections": 0,
      "idleConnections": 8,
      "totalConnections": 8,
      "threadsAwaitingConnection": 0,
      "connectionTimeout": 30000,
      "idleTimeout": 600000,
      "maxLifetime": 1800000,
      "leakDetectionThreshold": 0,
      "maximumPoolSize": 16,
      "validationTimeout": 5000

System Properties

Send a GET request to /cohort/sysprops to return the current system properties.

To enable, set sysprops to true inside the Cohort plugin configuration block:

install(Cohort) {
   sysprops = true

Here is an example of the output:

   "sun.jnu.encoding": "UTF-8",
   "java.vm.vendor": "AdoptOpenJDK",
   "java.vendor.url": "",
   "user.timezone": "America/Chicago",
   "": "Linux",
   "java.vm.specification.version": "11",
   "": "US",
   "sun.boot.library.path": "/home/sam/.sdkman/candidates/java/11.0.10.hs-adpt/lib",
   "": "com.myapp.MainKt",
   "user.home": "/home/sam",
   "": "2021-01-19",
   "java.home": "/home/sam/.sdkman/candidates/java/11.0.10.hs-adpt",
   "file.separator": "/",
   "java.vm.compressedOopsMode": "Zero based",
   "line.separator": "\n",
   "": "Java Platform API Specification",
   "java.vm.specification.vendor": "Oracle Corporation",
   "": "HotSpot 64-Bit Tiered Compilers",
   "java.runtime.version": "11.0.10+9",
   "": "sam",
   "path.separator": ":",
   "file.encoding": "UTF-8",
   "": "OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM",
   "user.dir": "/home/sam/development/workspace/myapp",
   "os.arch": "amd64",
   "": "Java Virtual Machine Specification",
   "java.awt.printerjob": "sun.print.PSPrinterJob",
   "java.class.version": "55.0"

Heap Dump

Send a GET request to /cohort/heapdump to retrieve a heap dump for all live objects.

The file returned is in the format used by hprof.

To enable, set heapdump to true inside the Cohort plugin configuration block:

install(Cohort) {
   heapdump = true

Thread Dump

Send a GET request to /cohort/threaddump to retrieve a thread dump for all current threads.

To enable, set threaddump to true inside the Cohort plugin configuration block:

install(Cohort) {
   threaddump = true

Example output:

"main" prio=5 Id=1 WAITING on$CloseFuture@291c536c
	at [email protected]/java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
	-  waiting on$CloseFuture@291c536c
	at [email protected]/java.lang.Object.wait(
	at app//io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultPromise.await(
	at app//
	at app//
	at app//io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultPromise.sync(
	at app//
	at app//

"Reference Handler" daemon prio=10 Id=2 RUNNABLE
	at [email protected]/java.lang.ref.Reference.waitForReferencePendingList(Native Method)
	at [email protected]/java.lang.ref.Reference.processPendingReferences(
	at [email protected]/java.lang.ref.Reference$

"Finalizer" daemon prio=8 Id=3 WAITING on java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue$Lock@1392e5c7
	at [email protected]/java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
	-  waiting on java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue$Lock@1392e5c7
	at [email protected]/java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(
	at [email protected]/java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(
	at [email protected]/java.lang.ref.Finalizer$

"Signal Dispatcher" daemon prio=9 Id=4 RUNNABLE

"Common-Cleaner" daemon prio=8 Id=19 TIMED_WAITING on java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue$Lock@78e1959d
	at [email protected]/java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
	-  waiting on java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue$Lock@78e1959d
	at [email protected]/java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(
	at [email protected]/
	at [email protected]/
	at [email protected]/
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