
Compare two build scans using Develocity API

MIT License


CompareScans CLI

This project provides a command-line interface (CLI) for comparing build scans and applying custom rules to analyze the metrics. The CLI supports fetching metrics from the Develocity API or a file and applying default or custom rules to these metrics.

By comparing build scans, you can infer information such as differences in the number of modules, tasks, or even explore detailed percentiles of durations for specific task types. Additionally, the CLI can provide analysis of cache artifact sizes between builds. It is important to note that this type of analysis does not necessarily imply that the builds are close in terms of execution time. Comparing builds from different time ranges can offer valuable insights into how the project has grown over time.

Table of Contents


Download the CLI

 curl -L --output comparescans
 chmod 0757 comparescans

# Generate Metrics for two build scans using the DV API
./comparescans --from api --scans $BUILD_SCAN_ID_1 --scans $BUILD_SCAN_ID_2 --api-key $DV_KEY --url $DV_URL

# Generate Metrics for four build scans using the DV API
./comparescans --from api --scans $BUILD_SCAN_ID_1 --scans $BUILD_SCAN_ID_2 --scans $BUILD_SCAN_ID_3 --scans $BUILD_SCAN_ID_4 --api-key $DV_KEY --url $DV_URL

# Generate Metrics and apply default rules two build scans using the DV API
./comparescans --from api --scans $BUILD_SCAN_ID_1 --scans $BUILD_SCAN_ID_2 --api-key $DV_KEY --url $DV_URL --with-default-rules

# Generate Metrics and apply default rules from an existing file
./comparescans --from file --with-default-rules

# Generate Metrics and apply custom rules from an existing file
./comparescans --from file --custom-rules rules.yaml

From sources

./gradlew :cli:fatBinary
cd cli
# Generate Metrics for two build scans using the DV API
./comparescans --from api --scans $BUILD_SCAN_ID_1 --scans $BUILD_SCAN_ID_2 --api-key $DV_KEY --url $DV_URL

# Generate Metrics and apply default rules two build scans using the DV API
./comparescans --from api --scans $BUILD_SCAN_ID_1 --scans $BUILD_SCAN_ID_2 --api-key $DV_KEY --url $DV_URL --with-default-rules

# Generate Metrics and apply default rules from an existing file
./comparescans --from file --with-default-rules

# Generate Metrics and apply custom rules from an existing file
./comparescans --from file --custom-rules rules.yaml


The CLI supports the following options:

Option Description
--from Source of the metrics. Choices: api, file. Required.
--api-key API key for accessing the build scan API. Required if --from is api.
--url URL of the build scan API. Required if --from is api.
--scans Identifier for the build scan to retrieve. Usage: --scans $build1 --scans $build2. Required if --from is api.
--with-default-rules Flag to use default rules. Optional.
--custom-rules File containing custom rules in YAML format. Optional.
--metrics File containing existing metrics in CSV format. Required if --from is file.

API Mode

When --from is set to api, the CLI fetches metrics from a build scan API. The following options are required:

Option Description
--api-key API key for accessing the build scan API.
--url URL of the build scan API.
--scans Identifier for the build scan to retrieve. Usage: --scans $build1 --scans $build2.

Example command:

./comparescans --from api --apiKey yourApiKey --url yourUrl --firstBuildScan yourFirstBuildScan --secondBuildScan yourSecondBuildScan

When using the CLI with the --from api option a file with the name compare-$BUILD_SCAN_ID_1-$BUILD_SCAN_ID_2.csv will be generated in the current directory. This file contains the metrics for the two build scans. For instance:

entity,name,category,type, $build1, $build2
Module,:build-logic:convention,all tasks,CacheSize,168857,168960
Module,:build-logic:convention,all tasks,Duration,18272,17474
Module,:build-logic:convention,all tasks,Counter,7,7

Complete example of a metrics output comparing two builds of the Nowinandroid project available here.

Check the Metrics section for more information about the metrics generated.

File Mode

When --from is set to file, the CLI reads metrics from a CSV file. The following option is required:

Option Description
--metrics File containing existing metrics in CSV format.
./comparescans --from file --metrics yourMetricsFile.csv

Using the mode --from file we apply rules over an existing metrics comparison file from a previous execution. This mode also generates a file with the name metrics-$firstBuild-$secondBuild.csv in the current directory.


  • This mode is required to be used together with the rules functionality that is explained in the Rules section.
  • Currently, this mode only supports the comparison of two builds.


A Metric represents a measurement or statistic related to different aspects of a project, module, task, or task type within a build scan. Each metric is categorized by its entity type, metric type, and includes values from two builds for comparison.

Attribute Description
entity The entity that this metric is associated with. It can be one of: Project, Module, Task, TaskType, ResourceUsage.
type The type of measurement. It can be one of: Duration, DurationMedian, DurationMean, DurationP90, Counter, Fingerprinting, FingerprintingMedian, FingerprintingMean, FingerprintingP90, CacheSize, ResourceMax, ResourceMedian, ResourceAverage, ResourceP95, ResourceP75, ResourceP25.
category A string representing a category or additional classification for the metric.
name The name of the metric.
value The value of the metric.


Once metrics are provided by the modes (API or File), you can apply rules configured in a YAML file to filter and analyze these metrics. The rules functionality allows you to specify conditions that metrics must meet to be considered significant. This is useful for identifying performance regressions or improvements between build scans. For instance:

  - entity: Module
    type: Duration
    threshold: 10000
    value: 40

In this example, we are defining a rule that will match with metrics containing:

  • Entity: Look for metrics associated with the Module entity.
  • Type: Filter metrics of the type Duration.
  • Threshold: Only consider metrics where the duration exceeds 10,000 milliseconds (10 seconds).
  • Value: Check if the difference between the two scans is equal to or greater than 40%.

The CLI contains the following default rules:

Entity Type Threshold Value
Task Duration 5000 10
TaskType Duration 5000 10
Module Duration 10000 20
Project Counter N/A N/A
TaskType Counter N/A N/A


  • threshold and value are not considered for type Counter.
  • threshold represents milliseconds for Duration and Percentiles metrics, and bytes for CacheSize metrics.

If rules are matched, the CLI will generate a csv file with the metrics that match the rules. Example csv output applying default rules to two build of the Nowinandroid project.

Additional to the csv file, If rules are matching the metrics, the CLI will output:

│                                                         Rules matching                                                         │
│ Rule Entity │ Rule Type │ Name                   │ Category               │ Diff   │ Build pxt3zsp52gdoy │ Build 7ya7rlpa3qqco │
│ Module      │ Duration  │ :kotlin-build-common   │ All tasks              │ 78.02% │             46.855s │             20.558s │
│ Module      │ Duration  │ :kotlin-compiler       │ All tasks              │ 43.87% │             15.796s │             24.673s │
│ Module      │ Duration  │ :js:js.tests           │ All tasks              │ 56.78% │             12.781s │             22.916s │
│ Module      │ Duration  │ :compiler:fir:checkers │ All tasks              │ 43.05% │             26.243s │             40.638s │
│ Module      │ Duration  │ :kotlin-build-common   │ executed_cacheable     │ 78.35% │             46.378s │              20.27s │
│ Module      │ Duration  │ :kotlin-compiler       │ executed_not_cacheable │ 43.85% │             15.788s │             24.654s │
│ Module      │ Duration  │ :js:js.tests           │ executed_cacheable     │ 56.62% │             12.199s │             21.833s │
│ Module      │ Duration  │ :compiler:fir:checkers │ executed_cacheable     │  48.4% │             22.648s │              37.11s │
│                      Summary.                       │
│               Total rules matched: 8                │
│ Entity │ Type     │ Threshold │ Value │ Occurrences │
│ Module │ Duration │       10s │   40% │           8 │


If you don't want to use the CLI, the project can be used as a dependency. The project is available in the Maven Central Repository. You can add the dependency to your project using the following coordinates:



  • CompareScans CLI only supports Gradle builds.
  • The source of metrics can be either the Develocity API or a file. The API mode requires an API key and the URL of the Develocity API, along with the build scan IDs. If you need to generate the Build models from a Develocity instance you don't have the access token, you can use the TimelineParser.
