
Modern, high performance, tiny EventBus and State Container in Kotlin

MIT License


Events and States for Kotlin

What is Evas?

Evas is a library providing


A performant, scalable and most importantly scoped Event-Channel integrated with coroutines (and compose), which offers advantages like a traditional "Event Bus" (such as flexibility, decoupling, simplicity), whilst retaining structured concurrency, clear scoping, and easy testing.


A pragmatic state container, offering the accessibility and ease of use of a Singleton, whilst also retaining clearly structured concurrency, scoping, and easy testing.

Discussions about architecture are fun, but at its core usually evolve around answering the following questions

  1. Where does my 'State' live? -> States
  2. How to pass 'Events' around? -> Events
  3. How are Events and States connected? -> kotlinx.coroutines

✅ Multiplatform (jvm, android, iOS, watchOS, macOS, linux, windows, wasm, js, ...) ✅ Fast / Performance benchmarked (kotlinx.benchmark) ✅ Concurrency tested (kotlinx.lincheck) ✅ API stability tested (kotlinx.binary-compatibility-validator) ✅ Tiny Binary Size (~ 90kb) ➕ Compose Extensions ➕ Inline documentation with 'usage examples'





(Compose Extensions)


Simple Usage


Instances of the Events (Event Bus) and States(State Container) can simply be created using the Events() and States() factory functions.

Coroutines Context

Binding them to the current coroutine context is as simple as

val events = Events() // <- create new instance
val states = States() // <- create new instance
withContext(events + states) {


Compose Extensions

Binding the event bus or state container to compose is as simple as

val events = Events() // <- create new instance
val states = States() // <- create new instance

fun App() {
    installEvas(events, states) {

Send and Subscribe to Events

The following snippet shows how two Events are processed:

  1. LoginEvent: Will be fired once a user successfully logged into our application
  2. LogoutEvent: Will be fired once a user intends to log out

Once the Events instance is installed in the current 'Coroutine Context', listening for them can be done usinge the collectEvents method.

Firing an event can simply be done by calling emit: Note: The emit() function will suspend until all listening coroutines finished processing. (See emitAsync() to dispatch events without waiting for all listeners.

object LogoutEvent: Event

data class LoginEvent(val userName: String, val token: String): Event

 * Use 'collectEvents' to subscribe to all events of type [LogoutEvent]
suspend fun listenForLogout() = collectEvents<LogoutEvent> {
    println("User logged out")

 * Use 'collectEvents' to subscribe to all events of type [LoginEvent]
suspend fun listenForLogin() = collectEvents<LoginEvent> { event ->
    println("User: ${event.userName} logged in")

 * Example function 'login' which will pretend to login a user and then
 * emits a [LoginEvent]
suspend fun login(userName: String, password: String) {
    val token = httpClient().login(userName, password) ?: return
    LoginEvent(userName, token).emit()
                    //          ^
                    // emit the event and suspend until
                    // All listeners have finished processing this event

 * Example function 'logout' which will pretend to delete user data and then
 * emits a [LogoutEvent]
suspend fun logout() {
    //          ^
    // emit the event and suspend until
    // All listeners have finished processing this event

Simple State

Defining a simple State counting the number of 'clicks' performed by a user

 * Pretend: Our application cares about the number of 'clicks' the user has performed.
 * We define our [ClickCounterState] here which holds this information.
data class ClickCounterState(val count: Int) : State {
    Using the 'companion object' as Key, defining '0' as the default state
    companion object Key : State.Key<ClickCounterState> {
        override val default: ClickCounterState = ClickCounterState(count = 0)

 * Launching the coroutine, which will produce the [ClickCounterState].
 * It will collect the [ClickEvent]s and update the [ClickCounterState] by incrementing for each click it receives.
fun CoroutineScope.launchClickCounterState() = launchState(ClickCounterState) {
    var count = 0
    collectEvents<ClickEvent> {
        //                        ^
        //                 Emit State Update

 * Imaginary 'onClick' method which will send the [ClickEvent] to the application
suspend fun onClick() {
    //          ^
    // emit event and wait for all listening coroutines to finish

Using this state and print updates to the console snippet: (usingClickCounterState.kt)

fun CoroutineScope.launchClickCounterPrinter() = launch {
    ClickCounterState.collect { state ->
        println("Click Count: ${state.count}")

Launch State Producer & Show Compose UI

Define a 'hot' state and 'hot' state producer

In this example we're going to model the 'Login State' of a user which can be a) Logged Out b) Currently Logging In c) Logged In

For this the State can be modeled using a sealed class.

The state will be produced by a 'launchState' coroutine, which will try to find the user data from a local database and handles login requests (sent as events)

* Defining an imaginary [UserLoginState] which knows about if the User is currently logged into our
* application (or currently attempting to)
* In this example 'null' is chosen as the default state, representing that it is "unknown"
sealed class UserLoginState : State {
   companion object Key : State.Key<UserLoginState?> {
       override val default: UserLoginState? = null

   data object LoggedOut : UserLoginState()
   data object LoggingIn : UserLoginState()
   data class LoggedIn(val userId: UserId) : UserLoginState()

* Launching the [UserLoginState] producing coroutine:
* This coroutine will:
* - Try to find the currently logged-in user data from a local database
* - Handle [LoginRequest] events and tries to log a user in, if received
fun CoroutineScope.launchUserLoginState() = launchState(UserLoginState) {
   val user = getUserFromDatabase()
   if (user != null) {

    * Oh, oh: User wasn't found in the local database:
    * We're setting the state to [LoggedOut]

    * From here on, we collect all [LoginRequest] events and try to log the user in, by hitting
    * the network.
   collectEvents<LoginRequest> { request ->

       val response = sendLoginRequestToServer(request.user, request.password)
       if (response.isSuccess) {
       } else {

Use State in UI development (e.g., compose, using io.sellmair:evas-compose)

fun App() {
   val loginState = UserLoginState.composeValue()
   //                                   ^
   //         Will trigger re-composition if the state changes

   when (loginState) {
       is LoggedOut -> ShowLoginScreen()
       is LoggingIn -> ShowLoginSpinner()
       is LoggedIn -> ShowMainScreen()
       null -> Unit

Sample Projects

Login Screen App (iOS, Android, Desktop App)

Joke App (iOS, Android, Desktop App)

CLI Application (Directory Scanner)