
Intermediate layer for DV API

MIT License



Intermediate layer for Develocity API:

  • Paginates /api/builds allowing to request more than 1000 builds
  • Consolidate attributes and cache performance endpoints
  • Supports advanced query language requests for GE 2023.3

This is not an official Develocity library. This is a free interpretation of a layer that allows massive requests and consolidates builds information to be used in tooling/reports to help you understand better the state of the build in your projects


dependencies {

Simple Usage

Define Repository

 val repository = GradleRepositoryRequest(GEClient(apiKey, url))

We need to specify the Gradle Enterprise url and the API token

Retrieve Build Scans with Attributes

val getBuildScans = GetBuildsWithAttributesRequest(repository).get()
getBuildScans.forEach {

If you are using Gradle Enterprise 2023.3 you can use the variant:

val getBuildScans = GetBuildsFromQueryWithAttributesRequest(repository).get()
getBuildScans.forEach {

Returns a list of ScanWithAttributes:

Property Description
id Build Scan id
projectName Project name
requestedTasksGoals Requested tasks or goals
tags List of tags
hasFailed Build failed
environment Environment user
buildDuration Duration in ms
buildTool Build Tool
buildStartTime Build start time
values Custom values

Retrieve Build Scans with Cache Performance

val buildScans = GetBuildsWithAttributesRequest(repository).get()
val filter = Filter(requestedTask = "assembleDebug")
val builds = GetBuildsWithCachePerformanceRequest(repository).get(buildScans, filter)
build.forEach {

Returns a list of Build:

Property Description
builtTool Build Tool
taskExecution List of tasks
tags List of tags
requestedTask Requested Tasks
id Build Scan id
buildDuration Build Duration
avoidanceSavingsSummary Avoidance Savings Summary
buildStartTime Build start time
projectName Project name
goalExecution List of goals
values Custom values

Both Request functions are suspend.

Retrieve Artifact Transforms

// Single Build Scan

// Multiple Build Scans
val getBuildScans = GetBuildsFromQueryWithAttributesRequest(repository).get(filter)
GetBuildsWithArtifactTransformRequest(repository).get(getBuildScans, filter)

Returns a list of ArtifactTransform:

Property Description
artifactTransformExecutionName Name of the artifact transform
transformActionType Transform Action type
inputArtifactName Input Artifact Name
outcome Outcome of the unit of work
avoidanceOutcome Avoidance outcome of the uint of work
duration Duration of the transform execution
avoidanceSavings Avoidance savings in ms
fingerprintingDuration Fingerprinting duration in ms
changedAttributes Requested attributes for the transform
buildScanId Build Scan id
cacheArtifactSize Cache output size artifact

Note: Artifact transform endpoint is available in Develocity 2023.4+

Retrieve Resource usage build

val getBuildScans = GetBuildsFromQueryWithAttributesRequest(repository).get(filter)
GetBuildsResourceUsageRequest(repository).get(getBuildScans, filter)

Returns a list of BuildWithResourceUsage:

Property Description
totalMemory Total memory in the machine running the build
total Total performance metrics
nonExecution Non execution performance metrics
execution Execution performance metrics
builtTool Build Tool
tags List of tags
requestedTask Requested Tasks
id Build Scan id
buildDuration Build duration
buildStartTime Build start time
projectName Project name
values Custom values
enviroment Environment

where PerformanceMetrics is a map with the following properties returning a Metric:


Metric contains



  • Resource usage endpoint is available in Develocity 2024.2+.
  • Version 0.2.8 supports only gradle build resource usage

Available Requests

Request Return type
GetBuildsFromQueryWithAttributesRequest List<ScanWithAttributes>
GetBuildsWithArtifactTransformRequest List<ArtifactTransform>
GetBuildsWithAttributesRequest List<ScanWithAttributes>
GetBuildsWithCachePerformanceRequest List<Build>
GetScanAttribute List<ScanWithAttributes>
GetSingleBuildArtifactTransformRequest List<ArtifactTransform>
GetSingleBuildCachePerformanceRequest Build
GetSingleBuildScanAttributesRequest ScanWithAttributes
GetBuildsResourceUsageRequest List<BuildWithResourceUsage>
GetSingleBuildResourceUsageRequest BuildWithResourceUsage


Once we have seen the simple usage, we need to introduce the Filter entity. It's optional for GetBuildsWithAttributesRequest and required for GetBuildsWithCachePerformanceRequest. Filter is critical to reduce the overhead of the process. Cache requests are expensive, and we want to limit the requests based in parameters like project,tags or requestedTask.

Property Description Default
maxBuilds Max builds requested 50
sinceBuildId Build Id where we'll start the request. If null, we start from the last build null
project Project name null
includeFailedBuilds Include failed builds in the request false
requestedTask Requested Task null
tags List of tags, , negation tags should be marked with !. Example: !main emptyList()
user User Build Scan null
exclusiveTags List of tags must match with the available tags in the Build Scan false
concurrentCalls Concurrent calls for the Attributes request 10
concurrentCallsConservative Concurrent calls for Cache request 5
clientType Type of client, API or CLI ClientType.API

Real Examples

Last 5000 ScanAttributes filtering by project

Requires GE 2023.3

val repository = GradleRepositoryRequest(GEClient(apiKey, url))
val getBuildScans = GetBuildsFromQueryWithAttributesRequest(repository).get(Filter(maxBuilds = 5000)

Last 5000 ScanAttributes

val repository = GradleRepositoryRequest(GEClient(apiKey, url))
val getBuildScans = GetBuildsWithAttributesRequest(repository).get(Filter(maxBuilds = 5000)

Last 5000 ScanAttributes filtering by project

val repository = GradleRepositoryRequest(GEClient(apiKey, url))
val getBuildScans = GetBuildsWithAttributesRequest(repository).get(Filter(maxBuilds = 5000, project = "nowinandroid")

Last 5000 ScanAttributes filtering by project including CI tag

val repository = GradleRepositoryRequest(GEClient(apiKey, url))
val getBuildScans = GetBuildsWithAttributesRequest(repository).get(Filter(maxBuilds = 5000, project = "nowinandroid", tags = listOf("CI","main), exclusiveTags = true)

Last 5000 ScanAttributes filtering by project including CI and main tag being exclusive

val repository = GradleRepositoryRequest(GEClient(apiKey, url))
val getBuildScans = GetBuildsWithAttributesRequest(repository).get(Filter(maxBuilds = 5000, project = "nowinandroid", tags = listOf("CI"))

5000 ScanAttributes since BuildId x

val repository = GradleRepositoryRequest(GEClient(apiKey, url))
val getBuildScans = GetBuildsWithAttributesRequest(repository).get(Filter(maxBuilds = 5000, sinceBuildId = "x"))

Get Builds cache Performance from the last 5000 builds in project

val repository = GradleRepositoryRequest(GEClient(apiKey, url))
val filter = Filter(maxBuilds = 5000, project = "nowinandroid")
val scans = GetBuildsWithAttributesRequest(repository).get(filter)
val builds = GetBuildsWithCachePerformanceRequest(repository).get(scans, filter)

Network Client Configuration

We can extend the GEClient configuration using ClientConf. This entity allows to change the default configuration for retries and exponential backoff configuration depending on the scenario/server load.

Property Default
maxRetries 200
exponentialBase 2.0
exponentialMaxDelay 60000

Client Types

We define two different client types:

  • API
  • CLI

CLI provides a console feedback ideal for building CLI's(see next section):

Calculating Build Scans to retrieve
100% ################################################## -
Date first Build scan processed: 23/08/2023 15:35:36
Date last Build scan processed: 21/08/2023 23:53:42
Getting 50000 Build Scans Attributes

Existing tooling using ge-api-data


CLI providing reports by user/task/project in a Develocity instance Using GetBuildsWithAttributesRequest and GetBuildsFromQueryWithAttributesRequest


This CLI provides general reports for duration/fingerprinting by type and path. Additionally, it offers single reports for specific tasks. Uses GetBuildsWithAttributesRequest, GetBuildsFromQueryWithAttributesRequest and GetBuildsWithCachePerformanceRequest


This CLI compares two different build sequences and generates reports with durations based on metrics by variant. Ideal for Performance Regressions.