

Github Trending

An android app that shows trending repositories and developers, fetching results from

Project Structure

The project consists of two modules

  • app
    The Android app with screens for trending repos and devs
  • libTrendingGithub
    A java-library that implements the API



The app has two activities -

  • Trending Lists
    This has a bottom-bar based navigation, and has 3 fragments
    • Trending Repositories
    • Trending Developers
    • Languages
  • Repository Details
    This is opened when clicking a repository in the list for details

Libraries Used

  • Android Jetpack
    RecyclerView, CardView, Fragments, BottomNaviation
  • Glide (image rendering)

Test Setup

There are tests for UI as well as for ViewModels For testing please run

./gradlew connectedCheck


Libraries Used

  • OkHttp
  • Moshi (JSON de/serialisation)
  • Reotrofit

Test Setup

There are unit tests with 100% coverage. '

To run tests use

./gradlew :libTrendingGithub:test

We have both real (flaky) tests and tests with OkHttp's MockWebServer The assets folder contains sample responses used in mock tests.

Gradle configuration creates a test.jar file too that can be used in consuming modules (like the app) to test against the mock server and responses.

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