
Chat app for Android that supports answers from multiple LLMs at once. Bring your own API key AI client. Supports OpenAI, Anthropic, Google, and Ollama. Designed with Material3 & Compose.

GPL-3.0 License


GPT Mobile

Chat Assistant for Android that supports chatting with multiple models at once.




  • Chat with multiple models at once
    • Uses official APIs for each platforms
    • Supported platforms:
      • OpenAI GPT
      • Anthropic Claude
      • Google Gemini
      • Ollama
    • Can customize temperature, top p (Nucleus sampling), and system prompt
    • Custom API URLs, Custom Models are also supported
  • Local chat history
    • Chat history is only saved locally
    • Only sends to official API servers while chatting
  • Material You style UI, Icons
    • Supports dark mode, system dynamic theming without Activity restart
  • Per app language setting for Android 13+
  • 100% Kotlin, Jetpack Compose, Single Activity, Modern App Architecture in Android developers documentation

To be supported

  • Manual Languages Setting for Android 12 and below
  • More platforms
  • Image, file support for multimodal models

If you have any feature requests, please open an issue.


You can download the app from the following sites:

Cross platform updates are supported. However, GitHub Releases will be the fastest track among the platforms since there is no verification/auditing process. (Probably 1 week difference?)


  1. Clone repo
  2. Open in Android Studio
  3. Click Run or do Gradle build

Stargazers over time 🌟


See LICENSE for details.

F-Droid Icon License