

Hotel Booking

Prerequisite: docker installation on your machine to be able to run application and tests! (please see

We already have a repository of hotels to store hotels to a Postgres Database.

To make our application usable to others we have implemented a REST API that provides several endpoints. To see all our available Endpoints and to be able to call them in a convenient way we also added Swagger. This allows us to open http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html and see the SwaggerUI with always up-to-date documentation of our endpoints as well as the ability to execute http requests from the UI against them.

How to Start application

docker compose up
./gradlew bootRun

How to execute all tests

./gradlew build

Look into Database

Since PgAdmin will be started as part of the docker compose setup you should be able to open PgAdmin here http://localhost:5050/ .


Store Rooms into database. A Room should be connected to certain hotel. A Hotel can have multiple Rooms. Also implement RoomController.