
Android Application sample based on Mvvm, Koin, LiveData, Paging, Room & Coroutines

APACHE-2.0 License


Imgur Search Sample

Android Application sample based on Mvvm, Koin, LiveData, Paging, Room, AndroidX Preference & Coroutines. It requires an API Client ID which has to be added in Constants.kt

It contains

  1. Home Page
  • Search bar to search images via Imgur Api
  • List of the images retrieved by local db
  1. Inner page
  • Full width view of selected image
  • Input view for local comments
  • List of comments retried from local db
  1. Settings
  • Theme selector
  • Cache Cleaner
Dark theme Light Theme Inner page Preference

How it Works

When text is typed in search view data is fetched from database. If data is not available in local database network call is made and inserted into local database and reflected back in UI. When image list is scrolled and all the values from database is reflected in UI another Network call is made to fetch the next page data and insert it into the database, and this process goes on. Each search is stored in key value pairs to get data which is searched before instantly.


  1. MVVM architecture pattern
  2. Offline support
  3. Day Night Theme supported
  4. Option to retry when network call fails
  5. Latest AndroidX preference for settings
  6. Design compatible to both phone and tablet
  7. Infinite scroll via Paging
  8. 250ms debounce on search
  9. Pull to refersh

Libraries Used

Android Architecture Components

  • LiveData
  • ViewModel
  • Paging
  • Preference

Dependency Injection

  • Koin

Asynchronous Programming

  • Kotlin Coroutines

Image Loading

  • Glide
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