
Kotlin Multiplatform snapshot ((c|k)lip) manager for tests.



Kotlin Multiplatform snapshot ((c|k)lip) manager for tests. Automatically generates and asserts against a persistent @kotlinx.serialization.Serializable representation of the object until you explicitly trigger an update. Powered by kotlin compiler plugin to inject relevant keys and paths.


The plugin only works on targets using new IR kotlin compiler (which is pretty much all of them since kotlin 1.5 except JS which still defaults to legacy compiler).


The current version was built using the following tooling versions and is guaranteed to work with this setup. Given the experimental nature of kotlin compiler plugin API, the plugin powering this library is likely to stop working on projects using newer/older kotlin versions.

  • Kotlin: 1.7.0
  • Gradle: 7.4.2
  • JDK: 11


Bellow is a list of currently supported targets and planned targets:

  • android
  • js
  • jvm
  • linuxX64
  • mingwX64
  • macosX64
  • macosArm64
  • iosArm32
  • iosArm64
  • iosSimulatorArm64
  • iosX64
  • watchosX86
  • watchosX64
  • watchosArm64
  • watchosSimulatorArm64
  • watchosArm32
  • tvosArm64
  • tvosSimulatorArm64
  • tvosX64

There's also a subset of targets that you currently cannot run tests on (and as such making the library redundant). These targets will use a fallback implementation that throws an error on native api access (since those targets will not execute tests) to enable the general library usage in commonMain source set. If you have a valid use-case of the library for these targets, please raise an issue to discuss a real implementation.

  • androidNativeArm32
  • androidNativeX86
  • androidNativeArm64
  • androidNativeX64
  • linuxArm32Hfp
  • linuxMips32
  • linuxMipsel32
  • linuxArm64
  • mingwX86


  1. Apply the plugin and add a runtime dependency.
  2. If you're not using dev.petuska:klip marker dependency, you'll also need to add an appropriate ktor-client-engine
    for each platform
plugins {
  id("dev.petuska.klip") version "<<version>>"

  kotlin {
    sourceSets {
      commonTest {
        dependencies {
  1. (Optional) Configure the plugin extension (shown with default values). For property descriptions.
    see Gradle Properties
klip {
  enabled.set(true) // Turns the compiler plugin on/off
  update.set(false) // Whether to overwrite the existing klips while running tests
  klipAnnotations.set(setOf("dev.petuska.klip.core.Klippable")) // Takes full control of annotations
  klipAnnotation("dev.petuska.klip.core.Klippable") // Appends the annotation to the default ones
      // Takes full control of annotations
  scopeAnnotation("kotlin.test.Test") // Appends the annotation to the default ones
      // Takes full control of functions
  scopeFunction("io.kotest.core.spec.style.scopes.FunSpecRootContext.test") // Appends the function to the default ones
  1. Use provided klip assertions anywhere under one of the scopeAnnotations or scopeFunctions.
class MyTest {
  data class DomainObject(val name: String, val value: String?)

  fun test1() = runTest {
    assertMatchesKlip(DomainObject("Dick", "Dickens"))
    DomainObject("John", "Doe").assertKlip()

  fun test2() = runTest {

  private suspend fun doAssertions() {
    assertMatchesKlip(DomainObject("Joe", "Mama"))
    DomainObject("Ben", "Dover").assertKlip()

Gradle Properties

Most of the DSL configuration options can also be set/overridden via gradle properties ./gradlew <some-task> -Pprop.name=propValue, gradle.properties or ~/.gradle/gradle.properties. Environment variables are also supported, however gradle properties take precedence over them. Bellow is the full list of supported properties:

  • klip.enabled (KLIP_ENABLED) - toggles the compiler processing on/off.
  • klip.update (KLIP_UPDATE) - if true, will override and update all previous klips during test run.

Basic Flow

  1. Run tests as normal and use generated klip assertions such as assertMatchesKlip(myObject)
    or myObject.assertKlip(). New klips will always be written to file, whereas existing ones (identified by test class
    scope and given id) will be read and used for assertions.
  2. When the actual value changes, tests will fail since they do not match previous klip. In such cases inspect the
    differences and if everything is as expected, re-run test(s) with klip updates enabled. This is done by either
    passing a gradle prop ./gradlew test -Pklip.update,
    setting an environment variable KLIP_UPDATE=true ./gradlew test.


  • :library:klip-core - main runtime library
  • :library:klip-api - shared api and utility DSLs
  • :library:klip-assertions - assertion api
  • :library:klip-runner - abstraction over kotlinx-coroutines-test to provide truly multiplatform way to run
    suspending tests
  • :plugin:klip-gradle-plugin - gradle plugin to manage kotlin compiler plugins
  • :plugin:klip-kotlin-plugin - kotlin compiler plugin for jvm & js that does the actual work
  • :plugin:klip-kotlin-plugin-native - kotlin compiler plugin for native that does the actual work
  • klip-sandbox - a playground to test local changes from consumer end