
Kotlin vs Java comparison with side-by-side code snippets

MIT License


Kotlin vs Java

Web page: https://www.kotlinvsjava.com

Based on: fabiomsr/from-java-to-kotlin


  1. Install npm

  2. Install coffeescript

    npm install -g coffeescript

  3. Install node-gyp

    npm install -g node-gyp

  4. Install dependencies

    npm install

  5. Generate HTML

    ./make.coffee dev

HTML generation

First, the cirru templates (in ./cirru) are combined with the header and footer (./cirru/header.cirru + ./cirru/{FILE}.cirru + ./cirru/footer.cirru). Next, the generated cirru templates from the first step (in ./cirru/generated) are converted into HTML (in ./).


TravisCI automatically regenerates HTML files on each merge commit made to the master branch. Therefore, HTML files must not be committed manually (e.g. in pull requests).

Adding new code snippets

The code snippets reside in the code/java and code/kotlin folders. They are referenced in cirru (./cirru) templates this way:

.lang Java
pre.code $ code (@insert ../../code/java/dsl/04.java) $ :class java

How to contribute

Fork repository, make changes, send a pull request. I will review your changes and apply them to the master branch shortly, provided they don't violate the quality standards. Before sending your pull request please check that the HTML is generated correctly:

./make.coffee dev

Got questions?

If you have questions or general suggestions, don't hesitate to submit a new Github issue.