

= Kotlin Web Frameworks Hello World =

This project shows how to do a web-based "Hello World!" with Kotlin in combination with various JVM-based web frameworks.

Pull requests for new frameworks are welcome.

== Hello World Benchmarking

While a Hello World! is not a realistic production operation, it can be useful to benchmark it to get a basic idea of how well the framework operates, without complicating matters with other work. The results of this will essentially be a best case throughput and latency scenario for the benchmarked system.

Example load test with wrk:

wrk -t6 -c200 -d30s --latency --timeout 2s http://localhost:8080/

will produce output like:

Running 30s test @ http://localhost:8080/
  6 threads and 200 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency     3.84ms   12.33ms 330.10ms   96.91%
    Req/Sec    17.76k     5.01k   46.68k    73.58%
  Latency Distribution
     50%    1.32ms
     75%    3.18ms
     90%    5.90ms
     99%   66.79ms
  3180198 requests in 30.10s, 536.82MB read
Requests/sec: 105663.06
Transfer/sec:     17.84MB

=== Useful References

While not every framework here uses Jetty, the following reference may be useful for tuning your network stack:
