
Cross-platform file API

APACHE-2.0 License


kotlinx-fs [WIP]

Cross-platform file API in pure Kotlin which provides uniform path-based interface for JVM, JS and Native.

Quick example

object Ls : FsOperation {

     * Expected output:
     *  rw-r--r--	1.5K	1526040936000000    foo.txt
     *  rw-r--r--	5.2M	1526040918000000    bar.txt
     *  drwxr-xr-x         0    1524819687978690    dir
    override fun execute(path: String) {
        val path = Paths.getPath(path) // Get Path using default file system
        if (!path.exists()) {
            println("ls: $path: No such file or directory")

        if (path.isDirectory()) {
            path.walkDirectory { println(describe(it)) }
        } else {


    private fun describe(path: Path): String {
        val attributes = path.attributesOfType<PosixFileAttributes>()
        return attributes.permissions.toHumanReadableString() + "\t" + path.totalSize().prettify() +
                "\t" + attributes.lastAccessTimeUs + "\t" + path.fileName

This is a simplified ls implementation, which works on JS, JVM and Native

API description

The core API concept is Path interface. Path represents a path in the file system, which can point to file, directory or symbolic link. Path can be absolute or relative. Path instance can be obtained directly from the filesystem (FileSystem.getPath(str)) or via factory methods, Paths.getPath(string) or Path(string). In the latter default file system will be used.

Internally path is represented as a sequence of elements, which can be extracted directly from Path using its own API:

val path = Path("/Users/foo/Desktop/bar.txt")
println(path.getFileName()) // Prints bar.txt
println(path.isAbsolute())  // Prints true
println(path.getParent())   // Prints /Users/foo/Desktop/
println(path.getName(1))    // Prints foo

Path extensions from kotlinx.fs.core.Path are primary endpoints for reading, writing and manipulating files and directories. All these extension points call underlying filesystem and may throw IOException if any file system error is encountered.

val file = Path("/Users/foo/Desktop/bar.txt")
println(file.isDirectory()) // false
println(format(file.readBytes())) // Will print file's content

val child = file + "nested.txt"
child.createFile() // Will throw IOException

The file system is a pluggable mechanism. Once obtained, Path can be used without direct access to file system, but all I/O operations will be performed by the file system, responsible for a created path.

Platform support

kotlinx-fs supports JVM, Node.js and POSIX-compliant OSes (Mac OS X and Linux). Native Windows is not supported.

On JVM unspecified properties (such as following symbolic links) of FileSystem are inherited from standard JVM file system (see java.nio.file.FileSystems). On JS unspecified properties are inherited from fs.

TODO list

  • Integrate with kotlinx-io to provide decent read/write API
  • Basic interface for permissions and platform-dependent attributes modification
  • Symlinks support
  • Random access files
  • More specific exceptions
  • Relative path operations
  • Common utility functions (based on stdlib and Apache commons-io)
  • Cross-FS interaction (e.g. copying from ZipFS to current FS)