
Type-safe (ish) maps in Kotlin

MIT License




Kpropmap is a small Kotlin library that combines benefits from untyped and unstructured data like Maps, with the typed and structured data such as provided by data classes. The main class PropertyMap implements Map<String, Any?>, but provides some additional methods to make consuming Map content safer and easier by allowing it's JSON-compatible values to be accessed with types using Kotlin KProperty instances (see KProperty).

Properties are stored and matched by name and not by class. The extra meta-data provided by the properties of the data class associated with the PropertyMap can be used for type checking and automatic conversions / copies of the underlying data class or classes.

The primary use case for this is representing part of data classes as a flexible Map that represents all or subset of an immutable data class, while at the same time keeping much of the type information, which can be useful to check and access the data fluently. This is useful when the data comes from "messy" external systems such as REST interfaces.

Immutable data classes are all-or-nothing. If, say, one needs to implement a REST service that can receive updates to a subset of the fields of a model data class, delegation to the REST deserialization layer / Jackson will not work, as there is not enough information received to rebuild the entire data class. Furthermore, there may be complex business logic associated with processing the information from the client. This type of partial / arbitrary data cannot be easily represented in a mutable data class structure, nor would that approach be very DRY, since many fields will need to be declared at least twice: once in the immutable structure in primary use as a model, and then again for the value-object layer used to communicate with other architectural components.

PropertyMap can be a useful in-between structure.

Introspecting Untyped Data via Data Class Properties

The untyped data received from an external system can be introspected and validated against the expected types given a data class of set of KPropertys. This can make validation and parsing logic type-safe and fluent, and works well with Kotlin's type inference capabilities.


This does make heavy use of reflection, so benchmarking in your environment may be necessary. In addition, this library currently requires the full 2MB+ kotlin-reflect artifact.


There are no dependencies except kotlin-reflect.

Getting Started

Creating a Property Map

The primary class in kpropmap is PropertyMap. A PropertyMap can be created by wrapping an existing Map or vararg Pair e.g.:

propMapOf("foo" to "bar")

If the keys are KProperty instances, the key is automatically converted to the property name. Otherwise, the toString() of the passed value is used as the key. So this would be a more type-safe way to create the same PropertyMap as above:

propMapOf(MyDataClass::foo to "bar")

Or one can also be created from an existing data class via reflection:

data class Foo(val a: Int, val b: Int)
val foo = Foo(...)
val p = propMapOf(foo)

Using a Property Map

Property Maps are Maps

Since it implements Map<String, Any?> the standard map interface with String keys is always available. However, we recommend using KProperty keys for type-safety. For example, to access a property value corresponding to myProperty in data class MyDataClass -- the return value is automatically the correct type, though it is always nullable to conform to the Map interface, which returns null for keys not present, as well as for keys present but with a null value:

// p is of type MyDataClass::myProperty (but nullable)
val p = propMap[MyDataClass::myProperty]

and standard overloaded operators like contains can be used e.g.

val contains = MyDataClass::myProperty in propMap

and other standard Map operations such as remove also have overloads that accept a KProperty and return a value of the appropriate type (though always nullable, because the contract of remove is like get: it returns null if either the key was not in the map, or the value was null:

val removed = propMap.remove(MyDataClass::myProperty)

Since PropertyMap's use Strings as keys, one cannot define a property map like this:

data class Foo(val a: Int)
data class Bar(val a: Int)

propMapOf(Foo::a to 1, Bar::a to 2)

This will fail-fast by throwing an AssertionError because the two KProperty keys have the same name, and thus creating the PropertyMap would lose data. Generally this is not a big issue since PropertyMaps are most useful when they contain and represent data from one data class.

Property Maps Have Typed Accessors

Property maps accessed with KProperty are typed, and will throw useful exceptions when the value type does not match the property type. For example:

data class MyDataClass(val foo: Int)

// somebody sends us some data
val p = propMapOf("foo" to "bar")

// throws a TypeMismatchException, because f is inferred as an Int? based on the type of `foo`
val f = p[MyDataClass::foo]

Property Maps Can Be Applied to Existing Data Classes

A PropertyMap can be "applied" to an existing data class to support the partial update / patching case. For example:

data class Foo(val a: Int, val b: Int)

val f = Foo(1, 2)
val p = propMapOf("b" to 5)

val f1 = p.applyProps(f) // f1 = Foo(1, 5)

Property Maps Have Useful Accessors and Extensions


The required extension can be used to obtain a property that must be in the map. It will throw an InvalidInputDataException if the value is not in the map, and ALSO if the value is in the map but null:

val p = propMap.required(MyDataClass::myProperty)
// if MyDataClass::myProperty is type T, then p is T

The required extension behaves like a normal get in other respects. For example, it will throw TypeMismatchException like get if the field is present, but is the wrong type.

The requiredNullable extension can be used to obtain a nullable property that must be in the map. It will throw an InvalidInputDataException if the value is not in the map, BUT NOT if the value in the map is null, in which case it will return null:

val p = propMap.requiredNullable(MyDataClass::myProperty)
// if MyDataClass::myProperty is type T, then p is T?

If MyDataClass::myProperty is not nullable, requiredNullable will throw an IllegalArgumentException.

@Updateable Field Checks

The checkRequired extension can be used with data classes that have @Updateable annotations on the class itself, or on individual fields. If checkRequired is called, it will throw an InvalidInputDataException if an Updateable property is specified, is non-nullable, but has a null value in the PropertyMap. If this call succeeds without error, one can be comfortable in using required in subsequently accessing individual fields.

Similarly, checkInvalid can be used to validate that only fields marked @Updateable have been provided in the PropertyMap. Any other fields present will cause a InvalidInputDataException. This can be a useful check before applying a PropertyMap to a data class.

Has Changed

The hasChanged method allows one to determine whether the PropertyMap contains a value that is different than the one in an existing data class (or any arbitrary value obtained via a lambda).

With Change

The withChanged methods allow one to execute code, or return a changed value, only if the PropertyMap contains a value that is different than the one in an existing data class (or any arbitrary value obtained via a lambda).

Extraneous Keys

The PropertyMap may contain extraneous keys that are not mappable to a particular data class. The keysNotIn and keysNotInProps methods allow for easy identification of such data. For example:

data class MyDataClass(val foo: Int)
val p = propMapOf(
  "whatever" to 1,
  "foo" to 2
val keys = p.keysNotInProps(MyDataClass::class.memberProperties)
// keys is list("whatever")

Property Maps Can Be Deserialized to Data Classes

If all the properties are available, PropertyMap's can be deserialized to data classes. The deserialize extension can do this given a target type e.g.:

val foo = propMap.deserialize<Foo>()

Consider Jackson (with the kotlin module) for this type of wholesale deserialization.

Property Maps Can Be Nested

Property maps can be nested and can thus map to and from nested data classes e.g.:

data class Foo(val a: Int, val b: Bar)
data class Bar(val a: Int)
val l = propMapOf(
  Foo::a to 1, 
  Foo::b to propMapOf(
    Bar:a to 2

Partially supplied nested properties can also be applied to existing data structures as above.

If all the properties are available in the PropertyMap, then the entire structure can be deserialized as above.

Some Useful Conversions are Available

Some additional useful conventions / conversions automatically performed. More may be added to this list as use cases arise.

Pairs are 2-element Lists

A PropertyMap containing a 2-element List as a value can be obtained as a Pair when using a PropertyMap e.g.:

data class Foo(val l: Pair<String, Int>)
val p = propMapOf(Foo::l to listOf("answer", 42))
val pair = p[Foo::l] // pair is Pair<String, Int>("answer", 42)
Instant and OffsetDateTime are Supported

Conversions for Instant and OffsetDateTime are supported.

Exceptions Provide Useful Information

Because PropertyMap is generally used to read externally produced data, exceptional conditions are not unusual. For example, non-nullable fields may be null, field values may not be the correct type, and so on.

When a subclass of PropertyMapException occurs, the Exception will contain useful information about why and where the Exception occurred. This information is suitable for producing good descriptive error responses e.g. a 400 Bad Request with details about which fields were problematic.

Built With


Be nice. Submit issues. Submit pull requests.





  • Make it more modular e.g. allow users to register additional conversions, make existing conversions come from
    built-in modules


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details