
Meteor is a simple framework that helps you to create application using the MVI architecture.

APACHE-2.0 License


Meteor is a simple framework that helps you to create application using the MVI architecture. It provides a robust structure for organizing your code and separating concerns. Additionally, Meteor integrates with Kotlin Coroutine that helps you to write asynchronous and concurrent code.


  • Meteor follows the Model-View-Intent (MVI) architecture pattern.
  • It provides a unidirectional data flow (UDF), allowing you to handle state changes and propagate them to the UI efficiently.
  • Supports Kotlin Coroutines: asynchronous and concurrent code in a more concise and structured way.
  • Meteor supports Kotlin Multiplatform, allowing you to share code across multiple platforms.
  • Easy to test (integration and unit tests).
  • Additional features like common use cases, state flow, view model and logger.

Documentation 📖


Add the dependency below into your module's build.gradle.kts file:

// It includes viewmodel, stateflow and core components.
// If only need common use case
// For testing

Define the contract

data class CountState(
    val count: Int = 0

sealed interface CountWish {
    object Increase : CountWish
    object Decrease : CountWish
    object Reset : CountWish
    object ZeroValue : CountWish

sealed interface CountEffect {
    data class Failure(val message: String) : CountEffect

State represents the current state of your application. Effects are a way to handle side effects in Meteor. Side effects can include operations such as making network requests, updating a database, displaying UI messages, or triggering external actions. A Wish in Meteor represents an action or an intention to change the state of the application.

Create the ViewModel

Define a ViewModel class, such as MainViewModel, that extends CommonViewModel with the appropriate state, wish, and effect types:

class MainViewModel : CommonViewModel<CountState, CountWish, CountEffect>() {
      // ....

Inside your ViewModel, override the store property by creating a Meteor store using the createMeteor function and providing the necessary configurations:

    override val store: Store<CountState, CountWish, CountEffect> = createMeteor(
        configs = {
            initialState = CountState.Empty
            storeName = "MainViewModel"
            reducer = CountReducer
            middleware = CountMiddleware

Define properties for effect and state in your ViewModel, which will expose the effect and state as CommonFlow and CommonStateFlow, respectively:

val effect: NonNullCommonFlow<CountEffect> = store.effect.asCommonFlow()
val state: NonNullCommonStateFlow<CountState> = store.state.asCommonStateFlow()

Define Reducer and Middleware

Create an object / class , such as CountReducer, that implements the Reducer interface with the appropriate state, wish, and effect types:

    object CountReducer : Reducer<CountState, CountWish, CountEffect> {
        override fun reduce(state: CountState, wish: CountWish): Change<CountState, CountEffect> {
            return when (wish) {
                CountWish.Decrease -> {
                    expect { state.copy(count = state.count - 1) }
                CountWish.Increase -> {
                    expect { state.copy(count = state.count + 1) }
                CountWish.Reset -> {
                    expect { state.copy(count = 0) }
                CountWish.ZeroValue -> {
                    effect {
                        CountEffect.Failure("The value is zero")


Using in Fragment / Compose

viewModel.state.onEach { state ->
    // Handle the state

viewModel.effect.onEach { effect ->
    // Handle the effect, such as displaying a toast message or triggering an action

Inspired by



This project is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 - see the license file for details

Extracted from project README
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