
Experimental probabilistic programming framework based on Kotlin coroutines

APACHE-2.0 License



This is a proof-of-concept implementation of a probabilistic programming framework for Kotlin, using the Kotlin coroutines. It is mostly inspired by The Design and Implementation of Probabilistic Programming Languages.

Disclaimer: This implementation uses a sort of really dark magic to circumvent the limitation of the Kotlin coroutine continuation that can run only once. This framework can run the continuations several times, rolling back their state (label + local variables) to the point where it needs to continue. The probabilistic functions are therefore hostile to mutable state, and you are advised not to use mutable state at all, even that hidden in inline functions that you pass a suspending lambda (like map { ... } from the Kotlin stdlib). If you do, you may end up with a computation rolled back with the state still modified by another branch of the computation. This library is purely experimental and is by no means production-ready. The author is not to be held responsible if the code breaks, or the code breaks your computer, or the code kills your neighbor's dog.

Adding to Gradle Project

repositories {
    maven { url '' }

dependencies {
    compile 'com.github.h0tk3y.kotlin.probabilistik:probabilistik:0.1'


Probabilistic computations are similar to normal computations that use random values from some distributions but differ in one respect. Whenever a normal computation takes a random value, it continues to run with that single value. But when a probabilistic computation accesses a random variable, it only means that it continues with some value from the distribution. Basically, you can think of probabilistic programs as of observations of all possible runs of normal computations that work with distributions.


val program = probabilistiic {
    val coin1 = flip()
    val coin2 = flip()
    println("$coin1 $coin2")

This piece of code observes the ways a computation can toss a coin two times (ending up with four possible options at the point where println happens).

Probabilistic computations can also be considered a tool that allows making certain judgement about computations that work with random variables. This judgement is obtained during a process called inference inference (described below), but first, we'll discuss what we mean by observing a probabilistic computation.

Factorization and observation

In the course of a probabilistic computation, the actions it may encounter that distinguish it from normal computation are sampling and factorization. While the former deals with random variables, the latter can be used to express the knowledge about the outcomes, or, equivalently, to choose the outcomes that we want to observe (and to filter the ones that we are not interested in).

Once a probabilistic computation reaches a factorization operation, it modifies the posterior probability of the current outcome. Example:

val dice = randomInteger(1..6)
val program = probabilistic  {
    val a = sample(dice)
    observe { a in 1..2 }
    val b = sample(dice)
    observe { a + b >= 7 }

Here, observe { ... } is a simple factorization operation that sets probability of the outcome where it happens to zero if the condition is not satisfied. More complex factorization scenarios can be implemented by using a more general factor { ... } function that can modify the probability of the outcome arbitrarily.

This computation observes double rolls of a dice, while taking into account only those rolls of the first dice that resulted into 1 or 2 that was followed by a second roll that adds up to the score of 7 or more (when the first roll is 1, it can only be 6, and with 2 for the first roll, it can be 5 or 6).

Without the second observe { ... } statement, the rolls of the second dice would result into 1 to 6 with equal probabilities, but the second statement modifies the posterior probability for values of b so that they become: 5 → 0.333..., 6 → 0.666. This knowledge of posterior probability is one thing that can be obtained from a probabilistic computation by the process we call inference.


Once you define a probabilistic program, you don't have a direct way to run it, because the semantics of a probabilistic computation intentionally leave the random values choice undefined, so a probabilistic computation itself doesn't know what it should do when it encounters a random choice instruction.

The semantics is, though, completed by inference strategies, which are exactly definitions of what should happen when a computation encounters a random choice or a factoring operation, while a probabilistic computation intentionally abstracts itself away from this aspect.

Some examples of inference strategies are:

  • Run as a normal computation, just sampling a single value when asked a value from a distribution (not exploring the random choices in any other way). This example shows that normal computations are a subset of probabilistic computations;

  • Run the computation taking N random sample values when the computation asks for a random variable sample, then collect and count the results – this strategy can provide an estimation on the distribution of the results that the computation reaches with those sample values;

  • If the value sets of the distributions are finite, you can consider a strategy that enumerates all possible results and thus builds a multinomial distribution of possible outcomes.

  • Particle filtering can be seen as an advanced inference strategy that is suitable for approximate inference in complex scenarios (such as in the Regression.kt demo)

An inference strategy provides a resulting value, which has its semantics depending on the strategy itself. In the examples above, it might be a probabilistic distribution, a single value (possibly, with its likelihood) or a set of values.

Once you have a probabilistic program, you can run inference on it by calling .infer(strategy) where strategy is an InferenceStrategy implementation:

val program = probabilistic {
    val d1 = flip(0.5)
    val d2 = flip(0.5)
    observe { d1 || d2 }
val result: Map<Boolean, Double> = program.infer(EnumerateStrategy()) 

There are several inference strategies already implemented in this library (see src/main/kotlin/.../inference):

  • SampleOnceStrategy samples each value only once, and its result is a single value (or a special Impossible value if it finds no way to continue computation)

  • EnumerateStrategy enumerates all possible outcomes with their probabilities and thus requires the all distributions to be instances of FiniteDistribution; the result is a multinomial distribution of the outcomes

  • WeightedQueueStrategy is similar to EnumerateStrategy, but it visits outcomes that are more probable first and therefore allows for finding approximate solutions by dropping less probable outcomes to reduce the computation complexity

  • ParticleFilterStrategy is an implementation of particle filtering, which maintains a set of samples and performs resampling them upon encountering a factoring operation (so that the samples set retains the items in quantities proportional to their likelihood), and yields the resulting set of samples


See src/tests/kotlin for usage examples.

Extracted from project README