
A Kotlin DSL for regular expressions



A Kotlin DSL for regular expressions

Provides a Groovy-style builder for regex with safe quantifiers and groups. Readable and extensible.

Gradle dependency

repositories {
	maven { url "" }

dependencies {
    compile 'com.github.h0tk3y:regex-dsl:v0.1'

Currently supports:

  • literally("text") that escapes the text
  • anyChar(), digit(), letter(), alphaNumeric(), whitespace(), wordBoundary(), wordCharacter()
  • startOfString(), endOfString()
  • optional("text") and optional { /* inner regex */ },

oneOrMore("text") and oneOrMore { /* inner regex */ },

zeroOrMore("text") and zeroOrMore { /* inner regex */ }

  • n times ("text") and n times { /* inner regex */ },

    n timesOrMore ("text") and n timesOrMore { /* inner regex */ },

    n timesOrLess ("text") and n timesOrLess { /* inner regex */ },

    n..m times ("text") and n..m times { /* inner regex */ }

  • index = group { /* inner regex */ } and matchGroup(index),

    group("name") { /* inner regex */ } and matchGroup("name")

  • anyOf('a', 'b', 'c'),

    anyOf('a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '0'..'9'),

    anyOf("abc", "def", "xyz"),

    anyOf({ /* inner regex*/ }, { /* inner regex *? })

  • include(anotherRegex)

Extracted from project README