


Rogue-Mx is a compiler from Mx** to RISC-V, 32-bit, integer Extended, the project for Compiler Design and Implementation at SJTU. It's implemented mainly in Kotlin/JVM, with the exception that the lexer and parser part contains Java, since antlr 4 is used.

The language reference for Mx** may be found in the project assignment.


Description Status
ANTLR4 Completed
AST Completed
Semantic Completed, pass given test suite
IR Completed, pass given test suite using naive codegen
Codegen Completed, pass given test suite
Optimize Completed, outperform O1, nearly O2
GC I'm thinking peach, it will not be implemented unless I'm spare enough to plant some peaches

Known Issues

  • internal: built-in function does not override toString()

Test Cases

The test-tool contains some legacy test tools before the whole pipeline is built.

Refer to project assignment for test cases.


This section keeps track of implemented optimizations


Mem2Reg was originally implemented for LLVM IR, and started from the workaround alloca-load-store in LLVM IR format. Current IR form differs from LLVM IR only in the discard of type system, so it also starts from alloca-load-store format.

SSA is performed for all and only for all local variables, thus load-store of anything like global variables, class members, etc. is not optimized in this step.

Also, note that alloca is not supported in RVTranslator, and any other optimization is based on SSA form, so this step must be executed.

This implementation uses the algorithm from Chapter 19 of Modern Compiler Implementation in C.

Aggressive Dead Code Elimination

Current implementation never eliminates control statements.

Function Inline

Force small function to be inline.

Small means that the number of instruction the result function contains is no more than a specified figure, roughly several thousand.

Non-recursive calls are processed by their instruction number from smaller to bigger. Self-recursive calls are then processed at most three times. Recurse involving multiple functions are not optimized.

Constant Propagation

Only performed on local variables.

Including operations on string literals.

Requiring DCE after this.

Global Localization

Localize global variables so that other optimizations can have effect on them.

Requiring Mem2Reg again after this.

TODO: load with DomTree, store with liveness analysis

Not enabled, as this is not a commmon method in compilers, ex., do not work for multi-file situation

Andersen Alias Analysis

I finally decide to implement this.

Loop Invariant Code Motion

Only performed on ICalc and Load.

Actually, it seems to optimize ICmp and Branch, together with Phi, but it seems non-trivial, so it is not currently implemented.

Common Subexpression Elimination

Performed on Phi, ICalc, Call and Load.


  • 2020.01.14 Add a lexer & parser full of bugs
  • 2020.01.16 Lexer & Parser pass incomplete tests
  • 2020.01.16 Support non-ascii characters
  • 2020.01.22 Add commandline args interface
  • 2020.01.25 Add ASTNode and parts of ASTBuilder
  • 2020.01.28 Add commandline interface for generating parse tree
  • 2020.01.28 Add primary ASTBuilder (not tested)
  • 2020.01.29 Test ASTBuilder
  • 2020.01.29 Support output AST into file
  • 2020.02.05 Reconstruct part of ASTNode
  • 2020.02.22 Reconstruct structure of ASTNode
  • 2020.02.23 Add type analysis
  • 2020.02.23 Pass semantic test (orz)
  • 2020.02.23 Optimize project structure
  • 2020.02.24 Fix semantic about length of new array
  • 2020.02.24 Move new array check from AST build to semantic
  • 2020.02.24 Optimize project structure
  • 2020.02.25 Use different exit codes for different stages
  • 2020.02.25 Trivial fix
  • 2020.02.26 Fix with the latest test cases
  • 2020.03.01 Fix known issue
  • 2020.03.01 Optimize semantic part for IR translation
  • 2020.03.02 Complete preliminary part of LLVM IR
  • 2020.03.03 String literal now allows unicode escape
  • 2020.03.04 Test LLVM IR (stage 1)
  • 2020.03.04 Discard outputting AST (sad)
  • 2020.03.04 LLVM IR now produce only used top-level things
  • 2020.03.04 Remove unnecessary modifier data of some classes
  • 2020.03.04 Adjust class-type in LLVM IR
  • 2020.03.05 Test class constructor
  • 2020.03.05 Support null value
  • 2020.03.05 Test member function, fix identifier resolve
  • 2020.03.05 Pass control test
  • 2020.03.06 Support init global variable and class member
  • 2020.03.07 Optimize project structure
  • 2020.03.08 Pass array tests
  • 2020.03.08 Fix an internal exception caused by lexer failure
  • 2020.03.15 Fix substring
  • 2020.03.16 Change implementation of string literal
  • 2020.03.18 Test LLVM IR with given test suite
  • 2020.03.25 Reconstruct LLVM type and name system
  • 2020.03.25 LLVM IR (should) pass the assigned test suite o(**)
  • 2020.03.26 Fix unicode character and unicode escape (but what is the use?)
  • 2020.03.26 Fix behavior when exception met
  • 2020.03.28 Implement a dominator tree for future use
  • 2020.03.29 Force SSA form for all local variable
  • 2020.03.30 Use kotlin script for gradle build script (Groovy really sucks!)
  • 2020.03.31 Fix a (terrible) issue about escape character (so poisonous)
  • 2020.04.03 Fix escape character (again, more poisonous)
  • 2020.04.07 Fix escape character (again and again, even more poisonous)
  • 2020.04.11 Greatly change IR
  • 2020.04.20 Write a naive codegen for IR test
  • 2020.04.21 Fix naive codegen
  • 2020.05.06 Complete codegen with virtual registers (untested)
  • 2020.05.24 Finish Register Allocation (passing simple tests)
  • 2020.05.24 Codegen (should) pass the assigned test suite (*)
  • 2020.05.24 Using MutableSet in register allocation rather than MutableList
  • 2020.05.24 Fix an issue about immediate
  • 2020.05.24 Add Dead Code Elimination
  • 2020.05.25 Add final optimizations on assembly
  • 2020.05.25 Add Function Inline
  • 2020.05.25 Add Constant Propagation
  • 2020.05.26 Add Global Localization
  • 2020.05.26 Add some simple optimizations
  • 2020.05.26 Add Loop Invariant Code Motion
  • 2020.05.27 Add Common Subexpression Elimination
  • 2020.05.27 Add Andersen Alias Analysis
  • 2020.05.27 Using Andersen to optimize load in LICM
  • 2020.05.27 Change inline policy
  • 2020.05.27 Fix Global Localization
  • 2020.05.27 Move global use-def analysis into Function Call Analysis
  • 2020.05.27 Using Andersen to optimize load in CSE

How to build the compiler

To build this compiler, just execute

sh gradlew installDist

or, on windows,

gradlew.bat installDist

The result will be installed in build/install/Rogue-Mx.

JDK 11 is used for development. JDK >= 1.8 should be okay for build.

There is also another version in submodule submit, which can be built offline with local resources in the judge docker. To build it offline, just execute:

sh gradlew installDist --offline

Library of built-in functions currently can only be generated by executing

sh gradlew generateBuiltin

with riscv-gnu-toolchain configured with:

./configure --prefix=/opt/riscv --with-arch=rv32ima --with-abi=ilp32

Some notes

Exit code info

Exit code description
1 Nothing to execute or internal error
2 IO failure
3 Parser does not accept the code
4 AST builder does not accept the code
5 Semantic does not accept the code

Discard of LLVM IR

The type system of LLVM IR is somehow annoying, so it is deprecated. A new IR is designed, which is also in CFG + SSA form, just because SSA has already been implemented when the decision is made.

It's also tried very hard to keep the compatibility to output IR in LLVM IR form, but it's not easy to add a fake type system, and it's not worth it.

Info about implementation

This part contains notes for future development.


  • only one Variable constructed for each declaration,
    so unnecessary to override equals() and hashCode()
  • do not currently keep init info, access it using Variable.def.init


  • maybe to return the main function in
    operator fun invoke(ASTNode.Program) in the future,
    as it is needed by TopLevelTranslator

ast.ASTNode ast.ASTType

  • ASTNode cannot be separated due to the limitation of sealed class (updated 2 years later, in Kotlin 1.4, why Kotlin does not evolve faster)
  • ASTType is separated from ASTNode
    to prevent an extremely large source file


  • an unnecessary load is added for every assignment,
    no plan to fix it, as it will be fixed naturally by dead code elimination


  • maybe to keep reference to RVBlock rather than only the name
    in J and Branch in the future