
SVG import "Gradient has no stop info" fix

MIT License


SVG non-stop

What is this

Java utility fixes Gradient has no stop info error when importing SVG files as vector assets in Android studio. This error results in corrupt drawable with empty gradient fills.

How to use

  1. Download binary from releases/latest

  2. Pass target SVG file name as parameter:

    ./bin/svg-non-stop my_vector_drawable.svg
  3. Result will be saved in my_vector_drawable_nonstop.svg. Use this file to import in IDE.

Optional parameters:

  • -f to force overwrite target _nonstop.svg file,
  • -v to have verbose output.

Technical notes

Utility copies stops definitions into target gradients in SVG file. Then IDE can process file correctly. Utility is not for use in android code.

For build use gradle assemble task and you will get build/distributions/ archive.