
Microservice-To-Microservice Synchronous Communication with Service Discovery


Simple Synchronous Communication Example with Service Discovery

Demo project for Microservice Synchronous communication using Kotlin, Spring Boot, Service Discovery Eureka, Eureka Client & FeignClient


  1. Java - 1.11.x
  2. Gradle- 3.x.x
  3. Clone the Service Discovery click it.

Step 1: Running the Service Discovery Open the service discovery path then, Type the following command in your terminal to run the service discovery

 ./gradlew bootRun

Step 2: Running the Payment Service Open the this project path then payment-service folder, Run the project with gradle:

 ./gradlew bootRun

Step 3: Running the Payment Service Open the this project path then banking-service folder, Run the project with gradle:

 ./gradlew bootRun

Check the link of eureka-server for seeing the registered services: http://localhost:8761/

Rest APIs

The app defines following for APIs.

POST http://localhost:8081/api/v1/payment

      "paymentType":"credit card",