


TaskReport is a CLI tool retrieving task information based on the Gradle Enterprise API. Reports provided:

General Report


  • Top 5 tasks by path duration by task outcome
  • Top 5 tasks by path fingerprinting duration by task outcome
  • Top 5 tasks by type duration by task outcome
  • Top 5 tasks by type fingerprinting duration by task outcome
  • Csv files(by path and by type) including task information like
    • Outcome execution
    • Mean and percentiles by outcome and task duration
    • Mean and percentiles by outcome and fingerprinting duration

Example report output:

│                                                                    Executed                                                                     │
│                                     Mean                                      │                               P90                               │
│ Task                                                             │ Duration   │ Task                                               │ Duration   │
│ :kotlin-stdlib-js:compileKotlin2Js                               │ 1m 18.655s │ :kotlin-gradle-plugin:compileCommonKotlin          │ 2m 57.951s │
│ :kotlin-gradle-plugin:compileCommonKotlin                        │ 1m 17.511s │ :kotlin-stdlib-js:compileKotlin2Js                 │ 2m 51.189s │
│ :kotlin-stdlib-js-ir:compileKotlinJs                             │ 1m 13.542s │ :kotlin-stdlib-js-ir:compileKotlinJs               │ 2m 43.194s │
│ :kotlin-stdlib-wasm:compileKotlinWasm                            │ 1m 10.604s │ :kotlin-stdlib-wasm:compileKotlinWasm              │ 2m 38.919s │
│ :kotlin-stdlib:compileKotlin                                     │  1m 10.55s │ :kotlin-stdlib:compileKotlin                       │ 2m 37.056s │

Example csv file output:


TaskReport works only with Gradle Builds.

Single Task Report


  • Duration of the task when is executed
  • Task information by cache outcome
  • Graph image with the task duration
  • Csv file with the task duration

Example report output:

│       Task Cache State Report        │
│ assemble > :core:model:compileKotlin │
│              tags: [ci]              │
│ executed_cacheable          │    578 │
│ avoided_from_local_cache    │   2824 │
│                  Task Duration Report with outcome executed                   │
│                     assemble > :core:model:compileKotlin                      │
│                                  tags: [ci]                                   │
│ Builds │  Mean  │    P25     │    P50     │   P75   │    P90     │    P99     │
│  578   │ 18.83s │ 15.907250s │ 18.909500s │ 21.013s │ 24.315300s │ 28.400870s │

Example image output:

Example csv output file output:


Single Task Report supports Gradle builds


Get Binary

curl -L https://github.com/cdsap/TaskReport/releases/download/v.0.2.4/taskreport --output taskreport

Update Permissions

chmod 0757 taskreport

Example General Report

./taskreport -api-key=$GE_KEY --url=$GE_URL --max-builds=10000 --project=kotlin --requested-task=install --tags=ci

Example Single Task Report

./taskreport -api-key=$GE_KEY --url=$GE_URL --max-builds=20000 --project=nowinandroid --requested-task=assemble --task-path=:core:model:compileKotlin --tags=ci


General Report

Required parameters:

  • api-key Gradle Enterprise API token
  • url Gradle Enterprise instance
  • project Project where the build is executed
  • requested-task Requested task of the build
  • tags tags used in the builds. Support for negation tags using not:, example --tags=not:ci

Single Task Report

Required parameters:

  • api-key Gradle Enterprise API token
  • url Gradle Enterprise instance
  • project Project where the build is executed
  • requested-task Requested task of the build
  • task-path Task path under investigation
  • tags tags used in the build. Support for negation tags using not:, example --tags=not:ci
  • single-task flag required to specify single task execution

Complete list of parameters

Name Description Default Required Example
api-key String token Yes --api-key=$GE_KEY
url Gradle Enterprise instance Yes --url=https://ge.acme.dev
project Root project in Gradle Enterprise Yes --project=acme
requested-task Requested task in the build Yes --requested-task=assemble
task-path Task complete path No --task-path=:core:model:compileKotlin
tags Tags used in the build scans to process empty Yes --tags=ci --tags=linux --tags=not:main
max-builds Max builds to be processed 1000 No --max-builds=2000
since-build-id Starting build to apply the reverse search null No --since-build-id=cqiqsDqa2m7cw
include-failed-builds Include failing builds true No --include-failed-builds
single-task Single task flag report false No --single-task
exclusive-tags All tags matches with the builds required true No --exclusive-tags

Building from Source

If you don't want to use the binary provided, you can build the binary from source:

./gradlew install
cd build/install/taskreport/bin
./taskreport -api-key=$GE_KEY --url=$GE_URL --max-builds=20000 --project=nowinandroid --requested-task=assemble --task-path=:core:model:compileKotlin --tags=ci

Examples Reports

General Report https://github.com/cdsap/TaskReport/actions/runs/5440258231/jobs/9893010951#step:4:10157

Single Task Report https://github.com/cdsap/TaskReport/actions/runs/5440258231/jobs/9893010951#step:4:5073


We have tested final binary with Java 8, 11 and 17 environments.

Libraries used

  • picnic
  • ge-data-api
  • fatBinary
  • clikt
  • lets-plot-kotlin