
TeamCity plugin supports building Unity projects

APACHE-2.0 License


TeamCity Unity plugin

[build status

The plugin supports building Unity projects on TeamCity.


  • Unity versions detection on build agents
  • Unity build runner with smart completions
  • Automatic discovery of Unity build steps
  • Structured build log with problems highlighting
  • Unity Editor tests reporting
  • Unity build settings feature
  • Unity as Agent tool
  • Running Unity build step inside a container

Unity build settings feature

This TeamCity build feature allows to automatically activate and return Unity Editor license before build start and after build completion.

Additionally, it allows you to configure the address for the assets caching proxy, which can be either the Cache server or the Unity accelerator. The appropriate arguments will be used based on the asset pipeline version used in the project.


You can download the plugin and install it as an additional TeamCity plugin.

Note: After installation, you need to restart TeamCity server by going to Administration => Diagnostics => Restart Server


The plugin is compatible with:

  • TeamCity 2022.10 and above.

    Currently, it still supports all the Java versions that TeamCity supports, though it will be moved to Java 11 in the future. Please consider upgrading the Java version your TeamCity instance is running on.

  • Unity 2017 and above.


The plugin automatically detects Editors installed via Unity Hub. Also it searches Editors in the PATH environment variable and in the following well-known directories:

  • macOS: /Applications/Unity* and /Applications/Unity/Hub/Editor/*
  • Linux: /opt/Unity*/~/Unity* and /opt/Unity/Hub/Editor/*/~/Unity/Hub/Editor/*
  • Windows: %Program Files%/Unity* and %Program Files%/Unity/Hub/Editor/*

Note: you need to start TeamCity build agent under the same user account which is used for Unity Hub installation.

To add Unity installation located in custom path you could use UNITY_HOME environment variable, e.g. UNITY_HOME=C:\Tools\Unity_2018.1\. Multiple paths could be specified by using default path delimiter.

To search Unity installation directories in custom path matching Unity* pattern you could use UNITY_HINT_PATH environment variable, e.g. UNITY_HINT_PATH=C:\Tools. Multiple paths could be specified by using default path delimiter.

You may also install Unity as a TeamCity agent tool. See TeamCity Agent Tool Configuration for more information.

Agent configuration parameters

All detected Unity versions will be reported as build agent configuration parameters with the unity.path.%unityVersion% prefix. They could be found on the Agents -> "%agentName%" -> Agent Parameters -> Configuration Parameters page in TeamCity server UI.

Custom error logging settings

The runner allows overriding default error logging settings by using "Line statuses file" parameter where you could specify the path to configuration file. Example file contents:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <line level="warning" message="warning CS\d+" />
  <line level="error" message="error CS\d+" />

TeamCity Agent Tool Configuration

This plugin supports optionally installing Unity as a TeamCity agent tool.

Creating Tool Zip Archive

To create a tool zip file for Unity, do the following:

  1. Locally install (or extract) the desired version of Unity along with any/all desired Target Support (Android, iOS, Xbox, etc.)
  2. Zip the Editor folder + plugin descriptor into an archive named Unity-<version>.zip such as
    It should look like this (for Windows):
    |- 📄 teamcity-plugin.xml
    |- 📂 Editor
    │  |- 📂 BugReporter
    │  |- 📂 Data
    │  |- 📂 locales
    │  |- 📄 Unity.exe
    │  |- ...
    Note that the archive structure may vary depending on the distributed binaries.
    For example, when packing for MacOS, the top-level folder inside the archive should be
  3. Upload as a Unity Tool on the Administration > Tools page on TeamCity


  • Agent environment must contain all the required global dependencies to make Unity work on a given OS.

Running Unity build step inside a container

This plugin is integrated with Container Wrapper extension. The integration works only with 2023.09 and above versions of TeamCity.

Common problems

Unmet requirements: Exists=>

This problem indicates that the Unity Editor installation was not found on any of build agent machines. Check that you have installed Editor on your build agents and machines were properly configured.

How to Contribute

We place a high value on user feedback and encourage you to share your experience and suggestions. Send a Pull Request to contribute or contact us via YouTrack to report an issue.



  • JDK 8


  1. Clone the repo
  2. Setup local git hooks
    git config --local core.hooksPath .githooks
  3. Build the project using Gradle
    ./gradlew build

Additional Resources