
Parser for the Timeline secion of a Build Scan

MIT License


TimelineParser CLI

TimelineParser is a command-line interface (CLI) tool for generating metrics and parsing timeline data from Develocity Timeline section available at scan-data/gradle/$BUILD_SCAN_ID/timeline.


Download the CLI

 curl -L https://github.com/cdsap/TimelineParser/releases/download/v0.3.1/timelineparser --output timelineparser
 chmod 0757 timelineparser

# Generate Metrics from two timeline json files
./timelineparser --mode generate-metrics  -timeline first.json --timeline second.json

# Generate Metrics from three timeline json files
./timelineparser --mode generate-metrics  -timeline first.json --timeline second.json --third second.json

# Generate Metrics from two timeline json files generating a Trace event file
./timelineparser --mode generate-metrics  --timeline first.json --timeline second.json --generate-trace-events

# Generate Build Models from timeline json file
./timelineparser -mode generate-models --timelie timeline1.json

# Generate Kotlin Usage Reports
 ./timelineparser --mode kotlin-usage-report --timeline timeline.json

From sources

./gradlew :fatBinary

./timelineparser -mode generate-metrics  --timeline first.json --timeline second.json


  1. generate-metrics: Compare timeline files and generate metrics using io.github.cdsap:comparescans
  2. generate-models: Generate models from the timeline files based on the Build entity of io.github.cdsap:geapi-data
  3. kotlin-usage-reports: Generate Kotlin memory usage report by Kotlin tasks divided in segments.


  • --mode (required): Specifies the mode of operation. Possible values are generate-metrics and genrate-models.
  • --timeline: The timeline.json file(s) from Develocity for parsing (required for parse mode, can be specified multiple times).
  • --generate-trace-events: Flag to generate trace event files (optional).

Analyzing data

The metrics generated by the CLI can be used to analyze the performance of the build. You have an example of the metrics generated by the CLI in the following example. You can use the CompareScans tool to apply rules and generate insights from the metrics.


  • There is no guarantee that the timeline model will not change. Users should be aware that future updates to the timeline structure may require adjustments to the parser.
  • The cache size artifact is rounded by the qualifier.