
WriterAI is an AI-based content writing tool that can turn your unstructured text into engaging content and generate up to 5 different paragraphs with an input of just 5 words!

MIT License



WriterAI is an AI-based content writing tool that can turn your unstructured text into engaging content and generate up to 5 different paragraphs with an input of just 5 words! Using the power of artificial intelligence, this tool helps you write an engaging piece of content and end up with something professional. You can use it for writing emails, blogs, articles, letters, thesis and even e-books! It is completely free to use and open-source :)

This project is developed by Team 404 for Hashnode x PlanetScale hackathon. This team comprises of Ishant and Vaibhav.

Blog ✍️

To know more about how we built this project, read my article


WriterAI is an AI based content writing tool that helps users easily write high quality emails, blogs, letters, thesis and other stuff. One can share their project with others and work as a team.

Here is a short video on how to use WriterAI

Live Usage

You can experience the power of WriterAI from here

WriterAI Features

  • Auto Text Completion - Generates up to 120 words with an input of just 5 words
  • Inbuilt Text Editor - For writing your blogs, emails, letters, e-books and other stuff
  • Project Sharing - You can share your project with unlimited number of users and work in teams
  • Markdown Support - You can add images, tables, hyperlinks and code snippets in your projects by using markdown syntax
  • Project Download - You can download your projects in JSON, XML and Markdown formats
  • Platform Compatibility - WriterAI is highly responsive and has been tested on the latest versions of Chrome, Safari and Opera Mini
  • User Authentication - Supports Email-Password authentication and Google Mail authentication
  • User Authorization - WriterAI keeps on validating the user's auth tokens every 5 minutes automatically in order to prevent any unauthorized access

Technical details

  • The frontend of WriterAI is created using technologies like CSS, ReactJS and MaterialUI. WriterAI is highly responsive and is tested on all popular browsers like Chrome, Safari and Opera Mini. For handling the react state\s, ContextAPI is used. The frontend code is highly structured and BEM convention is followed throughout the entire CSS code.

  • The backend of WriterAI is built using the power of Ktor, Kotlin and PlanetScale! It follows MVC architecture, DRY and SOLID code principles. Currently, the backend part is deployed on Linode, which is a popular cloud service provider platform for deploying your backend and database!

Setup [Backend]

To setup the backend of WriterAI,

  1. Clone this repository and open it in Intellij IDEA IDE
  2. Create an account on PlanetScale and get the DB URL, USERNAME and PASSWORD
  3. Create an account on Linode and there, setup an ubuntu server using their docs
  4. Install java, nginx, ufw and certbot
  5. Open ports for http and https using ufw
  6. Set up NGINX by going through linode's docs. Ensure that it listens to 8080 port
  7. Enable SSL using certbot (You will be needing a domain for that)
  8. Now in Intellij IDEA, install shadowJar plugin and export the fat jar file
  9. Upload that jar file to linode using scp tool in linux from your local machine
  10. Then open your linode's terminal on your local machine using ssh
  11. Then type:
vim /etc/environment
12. Then in the file opened, type:

export DB_URL = planetscale-url
export DB_USERNAME = planetscale-username
export DB_PASSWORD = planetscale-password
export PORT = 8080
  1. Then press Ctrl+W to save and Ctrl+QA! to exit
  2. Then go back to root directory by writing cd ../../ and then in terminal, write:
source /etc/environment

This will update the environment variables

  1. Lastly, setup a firebase account and setup up Firebase ADMIN SDK by following this and paste the config json file in resource folder. Ensure that you need to use the same file for frontend part as well

  2. Finally, start the server by going to the directory where you backend jar file is and writing:

java -jar your_backend_file.jar

Server Configurations

Built With [Backend]

  • Linode - Linode is a popular cloud hosting service provider where you can deploy your backend
  • Ktor - Create asynchronous client and server applications using the power of Kotlin.
  • Kotlin - A modern programming language that makes developers happier.
  • PlanetScale - A MySQL-compatible serverless database platform.
  • Jetbrains Exposed - Jetbrains Exposed is an ORM framework for Kotlin.
  • Koin - Koin is a smart Kotlin dependency injection library.
  • Firebase - Uses Firebase Admin SDK for authenticating and validate user's JWT auth token.

Architecture [Backend]

The backend of WriterAI uses MVC (Model View Controller) architecture.

This is how the API flow works

Package Structure [Backend] 📂

main                            # Root Directory
 kotlin.com.writerai         # Contains all the Ktor server code
|    data                    # Contains all the data handling code, which includes Database, DataSources, Repositories, Data models and Response models
|    controllers             # Contains files with business logic of specified routes
    di                      # Contains module which configuration of dependency inject in the project
    plugins                 # Contains all the required plugins to be used by Ktor Server like authentication, logging, routes and many more
    routes                  # Contains all the API routes like all routes for Projects, user and more
    util                    # Utility files to make work easier like extension functions and helper classes
 resources                   # Contains all the configurations required to run the Ktor Server

Database Schemas

This is how the Database relationhip looks like

User Schema

object UserTable : IdTable<String>() {
    val email: Column<String> = varchar("email", 500).uniqueIndex()
    val username: Column<String> = varchar("username", 100)
    val totalApiReqMade: Column<Int> = integer("totalApiReqMade")
    override val id: Column<EntityID<String>> = varchar("id", 100).entityId()
    override val primaryKey = PrimaryKey(id)

Project Schema

object ProjectTable : IntIdTable() {
    val userId: Column<String> = varchar("userId", 100)
    val title: Column<String> = varchar("title", 5000)
    val description: Column<String> = varchar("description", 5000)
    val content: Column<String> = text("content")
    val coverPic:Column<String> = varchar("coverPic", 1000)
    val timeStamp: Column<Long> = long("timeStamp")

ShareTo Schema

object ShareTable : IntIdTable() {
    val ownerId: Column<String> = varchar("ownerId", 100)
    val sharedTo: Column<String> = varchar("sharedTo", 100)
    val sharedToEmail:Column<String> = varchar("sharedToEmail", 500)
    val projectId: Column<Int> = integer("projectId")

Available APIs [Backend] 💻

The backend of WriterAI provides many APIs to perform different operations such as insert user, getProjects, share Project, get all shared projects etc. All the available APIs and their corresponding routes can be found inside the routes folder.


The project uses PlanetScale as its database and is made for the Hashnode X PlanetScale Hackathon.


For any queries, you can connect with me