
Operates Apache airflow on k8s

OTHER License


Airflow with k8s executor

This project is built on top of Apache Airflow on Kubernetes. The vision is operating airflow on k8s with:

  • k8s executor
  • operatior UX
    • uses kustomize
    • separate configuration for dev and production
    • improves log aggregation - to avoid all pods try to write to a single pvc airflow-logs
  • security enhancements
    • picks official airflow container image - apache/airflow
    • k8s RBAC
    • security context for all pods
    • secrets management


How to generate k8s objects:

$ kustomize build dev/


It uses kustomize overlays to separate dev/prod configuration.

  • development

    • in default namespace
    • service account is binding to clusteradmin
    • dags not in image
    • keeps logs in a pvc
    • uses local postgres db
  • production

    • in a given namespace
    • has its own service account and role.
    • dags in custom build image
    • remote logging
    • remote db
    • no secrets in code