
Automation Framework has many tools commonly used for Network Automation

MIT License



Automation Framework

This is not meant to be in production, this is a development environment

Assumptions if you are using Docker with or without Swarm Mode

  1. You know the basics of Docker.
  2. You know the basics of Docker Compose.
  3. You know the basics of Docker Swarm.

Assumptions if you are using Kubernetes single node or cluster

  1. You are using microk8s.
  2. You have enabled add-ons dns, metallb,
    storage, and registry in microk8s.
  3. You know the basics of Kubernetes/k8s.
  4. You know the basics of Kubernetes YAML.

General Information

  • The base Makefile is meant to be used with Docker Swarm

  • The Makefile located in docker/compose is used for individual architecture pieces

  • Compose does not have memory limits

Possible Special Need for ELK

  • You may need to run this command on the host system
sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144

Nautobot required after creating container

  • You need to create a super user use the following command, and follow prompts.
docker exec -it <container-name> nautobot-server createsuperuser

Graphana iformation

  • Default username admin default password admin

  • It will ask you to change the password on first login

Docker registry information

  • This is a insecure registry the following must be done to use it
  1. create daemon.json in /etc/docker and add the following
  "insecure-registries" : ["<ip or domain name>:5000"]
  1. restart docker daemon
sudo systemctl restart docker
  1. In order to use the registry in compose you must log in using the credentials' admin/admin
docker login <ip or domain name>:5000 -u admin -p admin
  1. You can verify you are logged in by looking in ~/.docker/config.json you should see something like this
	"auths": {
		"<ip or domain name>:5000": {
			"auth": "secret-key"

  1. To check images you add in it. In your browser.

# To see your repositories
http://<ip or domain name>:5000/v2/_catalog

# To see the tags in your repositories
http://<ip or domain name>:5000/v2/<repo-name>/tags/list

Information URLs

What is Available in Swarm

Kafka As a message bus
ELK Elastic Search Logging search, various other stuff
Hashicorp Vault Secrets Storage
Nautobot "Source of truth"
A Genie Parser Something to parse show commands

What is Available in Compose

Kafka As a message bus
ELK Elastic Search Logging search, various other stuff
Hashicorp Vault Secrets Storage
Nautobot "Source of truth"
A Genie Parser Something to parse show commands
MongoDB Document dB
Batfish Modeling
Influxdb Series dB
Grafana Pretty Graphs
Docker Registry To hold docker images
Docker Registry Browser To Browse the Registry
JetBrains TeamCity CI/CD

What is Available in Kubernetes

Kafka As a message bus
ELK Elastic Search Logging search, various other stuff
Hashicorp Vault Secrets Storage
MongoDB Document dB
Batfish Modeling
Influxdb Series dB
Grafana Pretty Graphs
JetBrains TeamCity CI/CD