
Docker and Kubernetes security steps to help you create, build, test, and run safer in containers

MIT License


Docker and Kubernetes image and container security better practices

A talk on tools and processes that will improve your security posture. Meant for mere mortals. Achievable by those doing solo DevOps.

First given at Civo Navigate 2023 with the title "Real-world container & image security: Present and future."

This repo

FORTHCOMING AFTER CIVO NAVIGATE IN FEBUARY 2023. Get on my newsletter to get my updates on this and everything I create.

History of my rants about securing your containers (and code)

  • Starting in 2018, I made my "top 10" security recommendations for people starting in Docker/Kubernetes ( It's had multiple updates over the years.
  • My DockerCon 2022 talk mainly was a rant about default base images for languages. I picked Node.js. I tried to be nice.
  • This repo tries to sum up this topic in 2023 for the "average" DevOps engineer, where a lot's happening in this space.

©️ Bret Fisher. MIT License. Attribution appreciated! Made with ❤️ in Virginia.