
A binary and packages to perform health checks on pods and services running on Kubernetes and to remedy any failures.

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A binary and packages to perform health checks on pods and services running on Kubernetes and to remedy any failures.

push event



CoreDNS is the cluster DNS server for Kubernetes and is very critical for the overall health of the Kubernetes cluster. It is important to monitor the health of CoreDNS itself and restarting or repairing any CoreDNS pods that are not behaving correctly.

While CoreDNS exposes a health check itself in the form of Kubernetes’ livenessProbe:

  • The health check is not UDP (DNS) based. There have been cases where the health port is accessible (for TCP) but CoreDNS itself isn't (UDP). This protocol difference means that CoreDNS is unhealthy from a cluster standpoint, but the control plane can't see this.
  • The existing health check is also launched locally (the kubelet uses the livenessProbe) and the situation could be different for pods accessing it remotely.

Motivation and Scope

This project idea aims to get around limitations on Kubernetes’ health check and build an application that:

  • Checks CoreDNS health externally through UDP (DNS), from a remote Golang application.
  • Remedy CoreDNS pods which involves restarting, increasing memory limits, changing network configuration and more, if the response from the cluster and pod IPs is unsatisfactory. This is done by interacting with Kubernetes API through the Golang application.

Thus, making the state of CoreDNS available externally and reliably is important to ensure important services run as they are expected to.


The binary is designed to access all network namespaces and run commands in them. As such, it needs to be deployed on every node, just like a CNI plugin. This can be achieved through a DaemonSet.

Inside a node, there exist different pods bound to their respective namespaces. The binary is deployed on the host network and is thus on the root network namespace.


Firstly, the binary queries the CoreDNS pods from the host network namespace and checks the response.

  • If the response received is unsatisfactory, then the pods are restarted, or the memory limit is increased if restarting doesn't help.

  • If the response is correct, the binary proceeds to list all network namespaces on the host and starts a session in each, one by one.

    Entering a namespace

    To accomplish this, we need the PIDs of the container so that the network namespaces can be located on the host's /proc directory.

    One way to get the PIDs is to use the following command.

    pid = "$(docker inspect -f '{{.State.Pid}}' "container_id")"

    This however, requires that the container be able to run docker commands on the host. The way this application approaches this problem is:

    1. Mounting the docker daemon from the host to the container (/var/run/docker.sock)

    2. Installing the Docker CLI as part of the Dockerfile. This CLI is necessary to communicate with the daemon.

    3. Mounting the host's /proc directory on the container. This way, we have to the network namespaces corresponding to the different pids.

    We can use the path to the network namespace to obtain an NetNS object from the package ns. This object has a function Do() that can be used to execute functions inside other namespaces.

    Thus, the binary now queries the CoreDNS pods from every namespace to check the DNS availability.

    The following is a screenshot from a trial run to test this functionality. We can see that the two pod IPs and one service IPs are queried. The logs serve to show the namespace in which the operations are performed.

    If the service is unavailable from any namespace, then a series of checks are performed:

    • etc/resolv.conf file is inspected to check if the nameserver is the correct one (corresponding to the DNS service).


    Other measures are proposed but not yet implemented. These include:

    • Checking if the route table has an entry for a DefaultGateway and if its the one corresponding to the bridge.
    • Do virtual interfaces (veth) exist and are they connected to the bridge?
    • Are iptables rules restricting connections?

Prometheus Exporter

A exporter library is implemented at pkg/exporter that takes values from the application and registers them with Prometheus using the golang client.

The exporter will help determine the number of times the remedies were required, how often the pods failed, the primary reasons for the failures (ascertained by the type of remedy that fixed it) among other things.

Available Groups Of Data

Name Description
remedy This group has metrics related to the remedial measures taken when the pods fail, such as restarting pods or increasing memory allocation.
dns This group has metrics that deal with dns queries made by the application and their response.


Remedy group has the following available metrics:

Name Metric Type Exposed Information
oom_count Counter Counts the number of OOM errors encountered
restart_count Counter Counts the number of restarts performed on the pods
total_failures Counter Counts the total number of failures of the pods under check

DNS group has the following available metrics:

Name Metric Type Exposed Information
dns_query_count Counter Counts the number of DNS queries made
dns_query_response_time Histogram The time it takes to finish dns queries


The metrics are exposed on the port 9890 of the pod's IP address. The endpoint is /metrics.

A sample call could be done in the following manner:



A sample run with an orchestrated OOM error:

This shows the number of restarts that fixed the pods and the total number of failures.

More visuals will be added as tests proceed.


The application can be deployed either inside a Kubernetes cluster or outside it. Even inside a cluster, it can be deployed as a DaemonSet so that it runs on all nodes or it can be deployed on a single node too. The driving principle behind this binary is that it should function gracefully under all conditions.

When the deployment is done as a pod in a cluster, no flags need to be used.

When deploying externally, the kubeconfig file path has to be provided so that authentication with the api-server can be done.

Additionally, two flags can be set as the need be:

  1. allowPods : boolean value that states whether pod creation inside the cluster is allowed.
  2. udpPort : If CoreDNS pods are using some port other than port 53, specify that here.


The Dockerfile is present at the root directory and an image is also pushed to the DockerHub at wjayesh/health.

To deploy the application on Docker, use the following command:

docker run wjayesh/health:latest -path=PATH -allowPods=BOOL -udpPort=PORT


The image from wjayesh/health can be used to create Pods. A basic YAML description is provided below.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: health-check
    target: coredns-deployment
  hostNetwork: true    # to have access to all netns
  dnsPolicy: ClusterFirstWithHostNet  # needs to be set explicitly 
   - image: wjayesh/health:latest
     name: health-check-container
     args: ["-path=PATH", "-allowPods=BOOL", "-port=PORT"]  # fill these values or skip line if deployed 
     volumeMounts:                                          # on the same cluster as the pods under check
     - mountPath: /hostProc  
       name: proc
     - mountPath: /var/run/docker.sock
       name: docker-sock
       readOnly: false
     - mountPath: /var/lib/docker
       name: docker-directory
       readOnly: false
       privileged: true   # to run docker command for finding PIDs of containers whose ns to enter
   - name: proc   # the net ns will be located at /proc/pid/ns/net
       path: /proc     
   - name: docker-sock   # using the docker daemon of the host 
       path: "/var/run/docker.sock"
       type: File
   - name: docker-directory  # contains all images and other info
       path: "/var/lib/docker"
  restartPolicy: OnFailure

This definition can be used in a DaemonSet. An example:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: DaemonSet
  name: coredns-hc
  namespace: kube-system
    k8s-app: health-check
      target: coredns-deployment
        target: coredns-deployment
      # this toleration is to have the daemonset runnable on master nodes
      # remove it if your masters can't run pods
      - key:
        effect: NoSchedule
      hostNetwork: true
      dnsPolicy: ClusterFirstWithHostNet  # needs to be set explicitly 
      - image: wjayesh/health:latest
        name: health-check-container
        args: ["-path=PATH", "-allowPods=BOOL", "-udpPort=PORT"]
        - mountPath: /hostProc  
          name: proc
        - mountPath: /var/run/docker.sock
          name: docker-sock
          readOnly: false
        - mountPath: /var/lib/docker
          name: docker-directory
          readOnly: false
          privileged: true   # to run docker command for finding PIDs of containers whose ns to enter
      - name: proc   # the net ns will be located at /proc/pid/ns/net
          path: /proc     
      - name: docker-sock   # using the docker daemon of the host 
          path: "/var/run/docker.sock"
          type: File
      - name: docker-directory  # contains all images and other info
          path: "/var/lib/docker"


  • The DNS ploicy needs to be set to ClusterFirstWithHostNet explicitly. Reference:

  • To allow the application to access the namespaces (specifically to first get the PIDs used to locate the network ns), it has to be run as a privileged pod. If creation of the pod fails in your cluster, check whether you have a PodSecurityPolicy that allows privileged pods.

  • Keep in mind that you cannot use environment variables like "$(PORT)" as identifiers inside the args field. This is because there is no shell being run in the container and your variables won't resolve to their values.

  • Make sure your service account has a role that can access the services, pods and deployment resources of your cluster. An example ClusterRole with some privileges is shown below.

kind: ClusterRole
  namespace: kube-system
  name: health-manager
- apiGroups: [""] # "" indicates the core API group
  resources: ["services", "pods"]
  verbs: ["get", "watch", "list", "create", "update", "patch",  "delete"]
- apiGroups: ["extensions", "apps"]
  resources: ["deployments"]
  verbs: ["get", "watch", "list", "create", "update", "patch",  "delete"]

This cluster role can be bound to your default service account in the default namespace as follows:

kubectl create clusterrolebinding health-role-pod \
--clusterrole=health-manager  \

Milestones ✨

Here I will list the milestones achieved in sync with the tasks done on the project board.

  • Connection to the api-server established on an AKS cluster.

  • Service and Pod IPs successfully retrieved.

  • Restarting CoreDNS pods through the binary. The logs shows the pods to be deleted.

    The condition of invalid output has been harcoded in order to force a restart, for testing purposes.

    We can see that new pods have been created We can see that new pods have been created.

  • Functionality of dig replicated using miekg/exdns/q inside the health-check app. The first two IPs belong to the CoreDNS pods. The third is the ClusterIP for the kube-dns service.

    I have selected the kubernetes.default service to test the DNS response.

  • Doubling the memory allocation for the CoreDNS pods.

    At first, the memory limit is 170Mi

    Later, it is doubled to 340Mi. This was triggered when multiple subsequent restarts failed to make the pods healthy.

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