
Simple Kubernetes application



Example app that uses k8s for deployment


A kubernetes deployment descriptor is provided, if needed modify the VERSION property Makefile then run the following

kubectl create -f k8s-sample-app.yml


watch -n 0.2 -d http --timeout 1 `minikube service k8s-sample-app --url`/foo

Deployment kubectl commands

Create deployment

kubectl create -f k8s-sample-app.yml

Update deployment after making a change to k8s-sample-app.yml

kubectl replace -f k8s-sample-app.yml

View deployment status

kubectl rollout stuats deployments k8s-sample-app

Rollback deployment

kubectl rollout undo deployment/k8s-sample-app

Scale deployment

kubectl scale deployment k8s-sample-app --replicas 10

Auto scale deployment

kubectl autoscale deployment k8s-sample-app --min=1 --max=10 --cpu-percent=80

SSH access container

kubectl exec -it <pod id> -- /bin/ash

Service Discovery

Kubernetes will automatically allow services to be addressable via their service name.

kubectl create -f k8s-sample-app2.yml

Get logs for app2

kubectl logs <pod id>


Kubernetes can manage application configuration using ConfigMaps

kubectl create -f k8s-sample-configmap.yml

Interact with the container

watch -n 0.2 http --timeout 1 `minikube service k8s-sample-configmap --url`/bar

Change the ConfigMap value

kubectl edit configmap sample-configmap

Restart the pod to pick up the changes

kubectl delete pod <pod id>